Local Companies
These businesses helped build Bear Lake
County and Vicinity
Anchor Saloon-Montpelier
Armour Cream Station
B & V Hamburger Place-Fish Haven
Bear Lake Drug Store-1883
Beatty Clothing Company
Blue Light Service Station
Burgoyne Cafe-Montpelier
and Thiel Store
Burgoyne Hotel-Montpelier
Burgoyne Store 1880s
Capitol Saloon-Montpelier
City Florist-Paris
Clark Grocery
Clayton Pharmacy-Paris
Wagon & Machine Co-Montpelier-1896
Cottle's Cash Store-Fish Haven
Crockett Red and White Store-Montpelier
Davis Brothers-Paris
Ed C Rich Grocery
Edholm & Akin's Jewelry Store
T Shepherd & Sons-Paris
Fair Store
Groo & Tomer's Garage-1917
Grove Livery Stable
Harness Shop-Montpelier
Hart's Cafe-Montpelier
Hedberg Service Station-Ovid
Henry Whitman's Store
Hoff Hotel-1898
Hoover, C A Drug Store
Idaho Billiards-1938
Idaho Store-1896
Jensen Texaco-1959
Coffee Shop-1948
Joe Nicholls' Service Station-Ovid
Jones & Sons Market
Lewis, Sam Store-1910
Mac's Cafe-1938
Moss Lewis Store
New Way Grocery
Nielsen Furniture
Nounan Mills-1896
Palace Saloon-Montpelier
Paris Hotel
Paris Lumber Yard
Variety Store
Pioneer Creamery Co-Paris
Price Lumber Company-Paris
Rainbow Cafe
Rich Theatre
Ridd & Anderson Harness Shop-Montpelier-1896
Bros. Drug Co-Montpelier-1896
Rogers, G S & Son Painting
Royal Bakery-Montpelier
Safeway Store
Shepherd Clothing Store-Paris
Sleight's Produce Exchange
Mrs. E A Sorensen General Merchandise Store-Ovid
Star Restaurant-Montpelier-1897
Swiss Motel
Texaco Station
Thiel and Olsen Brothers Store
Towne Cafe
Tri-State Motor
Tunks Brothers
Vincent Furniture Company
Vir-Day Motel
Western Auto
Western Creamery
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