Edholm & Akin's Jewelry


The Montpelier Examiner, October 4, 1912

Edholm & Akin's Jewelry Store was entered by a burglar at an early hour last Saturday morning, who helped himself to five or six watches and considerable silverware, the total amounting to about $200. Entrance to the store was gained by breaking a light out of a window in the rear of the building.  The robbery was not discovered until Saturday morning, when Manager Goodman opened the store.  The authorities were notified and a list of stolen articles was sent by wire to the officers at various points along the Short Line.

Saturday about noon a colored gentleman appeared at the ranch of Frank Mau, near Cokeville and tried to sell some silverware.  Frank was a little suspicious that it was stolen goods and refused to buy.  the fellow then went out to the barn and succeeded in selling one of Mau's hired men a watch.  Mr. Mau feeling it was stolen goods went into Cokeville where upon he learned of the robbery in Montpelier.  He quickly notified the Marshal, who in turn nabbed the colored man and upon searching his valise found the silverware which had been described in the telegram.  The watches however were missing.

The authorities here were notified and Sheriff Rich and Manager Goodman went to Cokeville on Nov 18, to identify the goods.  The thief was returned to Montpelier, where he will stand trial.


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