Paris Hotel
Paris Post, Friday, 25 November 1910, page 1
Bud Caldwell and Milton Hymas, two young boys, were arrested in Montpelier Friday night by Officer Frank Athay and Hegie for the robbery of the Paris Hotel. On Thursday night the two applied for a room at the hotel and as the hotel was crowded were given Mrs. Jenk's room. There was$28 in cash and a $2 check locked in one of the drawers on the dresser.
In the morning the drawer was found to have been broken open, the cash gone and the boys also. The matter was reported to the sheriff's office. Search was made with the result that on Friday night they were caught in the freight yards in Montpelier, trying to beat their way out on a freight. Their hearing was held last Saturday. They pled guilty and were sentenced on Monday to thirty days in the county jail.
Bear Lake County News, Montpelier, Idaho, Thursday, 29 July 1937, page 5
Paris-The Paris Hotel at Paris, owned by Holger M Larsen, is a modern
little hotel, catering to tourists and commercial men and vacationists. The
rooms, twenty in number, are clean, comfortable and cheerful. The food served in
the dining room will be a revelation-a real honest to goodness treat.