Pioneer Creamery Co
Paris Post, Friday, 7 July 1908, page 4
And are willing and ready to meet all reasonable competition. Our prospects for prices and market are Better than ever before.
Paris Post, Friday, 17 July 1908, page 1
One of the most successful creameries in the West is that of the Pioneer Creamery Co of this city. It pays on an average of $1500 per month to the farmers of this valley, or perhaps $17,000 per year. The institution manufactures 7000 pounds of the highest class of butter each month which finds a ready sale in all directions.
Alma Findley is president of the company, J U Stucki secretary, James Nye, treasurer and H A Hymas, manager. The institution is a valuable resource to the community and should be encouraged in every way possible.
Paris Post, Friday, 9 October 1908, page 1
Negotiations were completed this week whereby the Shepherd Mercantile Company leased and takes full control of the Pioneer Creamery. The lease extends for one year with an option to purchase at the end of that time. The change is made necessary owing to the long and serious illness of the former manager, Mr. H H Hymas.
Manager Fred T Shepherd, who has charge of the institution, states it is the intention of the new management to do everything possible to build up an extensive business at the creamery and to benefit the farmers and supply the butter market. "We shall always pay the highest possible price for butter fat and will make payments semimonthly. We hope in every way to make the relations between the customer and Cremery as pleasant as possible."