The Fair Store


Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 20 November 1896, page 4

GIGANTIC BARGAIN SALE in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Carpets, Silks, Velvets, Millinery, Jewelry, etc.

I bought over $20,000 worth of goods at a sheriff's sale of a leading store in New York City. SAM L LEWIS, THE FAIR STORE


Paris Post, Friday, 3 December 1909, page 4

The time is near to get your clothing. The Fair Store, Sam L Lewis, Montpelier, have made a special reduction in men's suits, value $15, reduced to $7.50, 250 suites, value $25 reduced to 12.50. 100 men's overcoats, value $15 reduced to $7.50. Come early until and get the choice of patterns and styles.


The Montpelier Examiner, Friday, February 17, 1911

Mrs. Sam Lewis left Sunday for a month's visit in New York City.  While there she will purchase the spring stock of millinery for the Fair Store.


News-Examiner, Thursday, 23 April 1970

The Fair Store closed doors Tuesday. Mrs. Robert (Betty) Jack, granddaughter of the store's founder, Samuel L Lewis and daughter of the late A M Thorf and Mrs. Lillian Thorf, owners and operators since 1928, said her mother had retired from active business and had no definite future plans.

Prior to the opening of the Bear Lake Memorial Hospital, March 21, 1950, the upper story had for several years been used for the 12 bed Bear Lake Hospital and staffed by the late Dr. R B Lindsay, Dr. Reed J Rich and Dr. Spencer H Rich. Although expected in recent months, closure of the Fair Store, at least to the older citizens was still a shock.

Until death and sickness and family dispersal, the Fair Store kept abreast of the times merchandising in completion with the many stores in building a community and trade center.


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