Burgoyne Hotel



The Montpelier Examiner, 1 March 1910

T B Hart and sons took charge of the Burgoyne hotel dining room last Tuesday morning and are giving the public excellent service.

Short orders will be served during the day in addition to the regular meals.  They will also make a specialty of serving oysters and suppers after the dances Saturday nights.


The Montpelier Examiner, 29 April 1910

The old frame portion of the Hotel Burgoyne is being brightened up with a fresh coat of paint.


The Montpelier Examiner, 6 June 1935

J N Downing of the Hotel Burgoyne reports a better hotel business than for several years.  The other rooming houses have also enjoyed a good run.  Just where the travelers come from or why the enlarged business appears somewhat of an enigma, but it comes right along ever day.  Besides the hotels, business houses get more or less new business from this source.


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