Montpelier High School Graduates
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 14 May 1920, page 1
The Montpelier high school graduating class of 1920 is composed
of the following students who have successfully passed out of the school after
four years of work;
Arnold, Tiena
Beckwith, John A
Behymer, Juanita Irene
Brennan, John Richard
Brough, Harry Russell
Crane, Margaret
Crocket, William
Dalrymple, Ruth
Davis, Leah M
Davis, Ruth
Dimick, Elaine
Dunn, Lionel Robinson
Feinauer, Albert
Groo, Evelyn Mae
Groo, Jean
Holmes, Waldo
Hurley, Daniel
Morgan, Norma
Nielsen, Thor Sherman
Pendry, Warren
Quayle, LaRue
Ray, Martha Jane
Schick, Charles Frederick
Schmid, John
Seewer, Ericka Anna
Small, Willard Marvin
Stauffer, Frederick Matthew
Stephens, Ada
Strong, Ellen J
Swensen, Lydia
Toomer, Vera
Zumbrunnen, Sarah Jane