Emerson Teachers


Paris Post, Thursday, 20 March 1952, page 1


Clem Humphreys, chairman of the Board of Trustees and Ralph Roghaar, principal, announced the following staff of teachers have been offered contracts to teach at Emerson Grade School for the 1952-53 term.

Avis Painter-1st Grade
Helen Crawford-2nd Grade
Lucille Crawford-3rd Grade
Opal Shepherd-4th Grade
Beth West-5th Grade
Grant Rich-6th Grade
Paul Nelson-7th Grade
Ralph Roghaar-8th Grade

Mrs. Asa Madsen of Bloomington, who has been a very efficient teacher at Emerson for the past 6 years, has retired from the teaching profession. She has taught in various schools of the county and elsewhere for the past twenty years.


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