Sharon News

The Paris Post, Friday, 14 August 1908, page 1

The other day in the absence of her husband, Mrs. Arthur Miles started to the canyon to drive home her cows. In riding up what is known as the galley road, her horse shied and stopped. She heard a growling and a crack lag in the bushes and knew that she was getting into uncomfortably close quarters to a bear.

The panicky little Lady did not turn back, however, but proceed on up the canyon until she found her cows and too,them home.

Elders James Nye and J H Stoker were the speakers at our Sunday service and imparted valuable attention to the Sabbath and its requirements. Miss Lillie Dawkins of Salt Lake is here for a short visit with relatives and friends.


The Paris Post, Friday, 22 January 1909, page 1

A fine baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. J M Wixom Tuesday Jan 12.

Mrs. Saloma Hymas of Basalt is here for a short visit with relatives and friends. On Sunday the 3rd inst. her son James L Prescott took her to Gentile Valley via North Canyon to see her son who is living there. They started back Thursday morning and reached the summit at the head of North canyon, but finding they could not get through in one day they turned back.

They got two more men and three extra horses and started out again Friday morning. After wallowing in the deep snow all dy they reached the North canyon cabin about 11 o'clock at night, some three miles from the summit. They and their horses were tired out but they had only brought lunch for noon and a little hay for their horses.

They had no ax to cut wood so they were there with no food or hay and but very little fire. They started again at 6 o'clock Saturday morning but after they had gone about one mile they had to leave the sleigh and Sister Hymas road a horse about 5 miles to Tom Harrison's ranch which they reached about five o'clock in the evening. Your scribe was talking to Sister Hymas (who was 64 years of age) yesterday and she said she felt no worse for her experience but many times she gave up and thought they would never get through as there was a terrific snowstorm from the time they started until they got through.

Elder Oliver Orr is here for a few days but will leave for his home in Orton, Canada, about Tuesday the 19th. Elder Orr has been laboring since last April as a missionary in Oklahoma, but was released to go home because of ill health.


The Paris Post, Friday, 19 February 1909, page 1

Notwithstanding the severity of the storm last week, which caused our school to suspend operations and a failure of the arrival of the mail for two days, it did not prevent the hardy old stork from making a visit which he did last Friday night (the 12th). He came and left a beautiful baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gertsch; as may be expected Jack is wearing a broad smile for this is the fourth time that calls of this kind have been made but the three first were boys.

Page 4-Ruth Lougee of Sharon, granddaughter of Thomas Gambling has been very ill with appendicitis. Bert Beutler of Sharon, had the misfortune to break his leg just below the knee in a friendly scuffle with this brother this week. Dr. Ashley was called to attend the young man and he is getting along nicely.


The Paris Post, Friday, 12 March 1909, page 1

Last week our old folks party convened an a very enjoyable time was had. Altho there is but 10 of our number that have reached the 50th mile stone in life, it was thought that we give them a day of rejoicing which we did on March 9. We were honored with the presence of councilors Wm L Rich and W W Richards of the stake presidency.

Orson Derricott who has been visiting Sharon and Liberty for some time has gone back to his home in Canada.


The Paris Post, Friday, 9 April 1909, page 4

James Neibaur has sold his farm of 80 acres in Sharon to Mr. Orr for $800 and will removed with his family to Teton Basin to reside during the spring.


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