Sarah Frances Virgin

News Examiner, Thursday, 22 December 1938, page 1

Death claimed Mrs. Alma Virgin, mother of Mrs. Alfred Howell last Friday evening. Mr. Virgin had been ill for several days and some of the children had arrived to be with him, when their mother died from a heart attack. She was 81 years old. Mrs. Virgin is survived by the following children, Mrs. Alice Hansen, Mrs. Gene Jackson, Mrs. Sarah Shirley, and Mrs. W B Muir of Rexburg; Mrs. Louise Brown of Ogden, and Mrs. Howell of Fish Haven.

Funeral services were held in the Fish Haven chapel under the direction of Bishop T S Nielsen Wednesday. Services opened with a song by the chorus, "Sister Thou Was't Mild and Lovely" following was the opening prayer by Bishop B Muir; speaker, Bishop Charles C Shirley, song "Lay My Head Beneath a Rose" Emery Welling; speaker Bishop Nathaniel Mereley; speaker, Bishop E M Pugmire; duet "Whispering Hope: Mrs. Carrie Pugmire and Mrs. Hazel Transtrum; speaker, Bishop Ernest Allred; speaker Bishop Nielsen; solo "Going Home" Mrs. Fontella Scofield; closing prayer, Elijah Keetch.

Interment was made in the St Charles cemetery where the grave was dedicated by H C Hanson.


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