Rose Knolles

Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 23 March 1900, page 1

A telegram was received in this city today from Salt Lake, just as the Examiner goes to press, conveying the sad news that Mrs. Rose Knolles, daughter of Judge and Mrs. G C Hillier, had died during the forenoon.

Recently she gave birth to a child and complications following this event caused her death. Mrs. Knolles was well known and greatly loved by everyone in Bear Lake. She had lived here since childhood until a couple of years ago, when she went to Salt Lake as a bride to make her home.

Her death, coming so suddenly has cast profound sorrow over a great many homes in this city. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to the sorrowing parents and relatives in this city and elsewhere. Next week we will publish further particulars concerning her untimely death.


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