Pollie Ward
The News-Examiner, Thursday, September 17, 1959, page 1
Funeral services for Pollie Prescott Ward, 65, former resident of Bloomington and more recently of Rigby, were conducted Tuesday in the Rigby First Ward chapel. Mrs. Ward died of cancer Friday at her residence. She was born January 18, 1894 in Liberty to John William and Eliza Welker Prescott. She was married to Abram Ward November 6, 1912 in the Logan LDS Temple. He died in July of this year.
Mrs. Ward is survived by eight sons and daughters, Calvin Ward, Melvin Ward and Mrs. Grant (Shirley) Young of Rigby, Arnell Ward, Navajo Dam New Mexico, Mrs. Herbert (Ramona) Bradley of Yuba City California, Mrs. Leslie (Colleen) Mitchell, Pocatello, Mrs. Elden (Carma) Casper and Mrs. Robert (Lucille) Molen, both of Roy Utah; two brothers, two sisters, 22 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Services conducted by Bishop Bruce A Edkersell consisted of family prayer by
Marion Ward; meditation music, Deoine Tall; opening song “Oh My Father” Rigby
quarter; invocation Jay Haddock; life sketch, Norma Morris; violin duet “The
Lord is My Shepherd” Mary and Genevieve Pieper; speaker Bishop Edkersell; vocal
selection “That Wonderful Mother of Mine” Norma Rhodes; closing song “Death Hath
No Sting” Rigby quartet; benediction Henry Jeffs. Dedicatory prayer was by Lee