Bear Lake Pioneers of 1863
This list comes from two sources;
A Photo History of Bear Lake Valley by J Pat Wilde and History of Bear
Lake Pioneers by the DAR
Adkins, Charles and
Allen, Alan
Austin, Julius Augustus Caesar
Bird, William
Bowman, J
Bright, John
Carlson, John Frederick and Catherine
Cook, Phineas Wolcott and Ann Eliza
Dimick, James Heber and Nancy Marinda
Duffin, Hezekiah and Elizabeth
Evans, David and Sarah
Fifield, Matthew Phelps
Gifford, Levi
Harris, William
Hogensen, Christian and Karen Petra
Landers, Ebenezer
Mallory, Charles Henry
Mantle, Thomas
Maughan, John Harrison
Poole, John
Poulsen, James and Maren Kristina
Ricks, Lewis
Savage, David Leonard
Sirrine, George Warren
Turner, John
Wamsley, John
Weaver, Gilbert
Weaver, Gilbert Edward
Williams, Evan Austin
Whittle, Cass