Pieces of the Past


The Montpelier Examiner, July 16, 1909


Making Great Success Raising good Horses; Wm J Hunter of Dingle is one of the many farmers of Bear Lake County who realized that it pays to raise good horses.  Mr. Hunter is a fancier of the Clydesdale family which he has been breeding for several years and has received some top prices for young animals that he has sold.  Within the past month he has sold six head of Clydes for which he received the handsome sum of $1425.

Geneva: Haying is progressing in good shape and alfalfa crop is fine, some of the dry land alfalfa being as high as the fences.  Although the ground is getting somewhat dry, the grain is heading out good!

Edward Bird and Miss Emily Sparks, both of Dingle, were united in marriage by County Auditor Holmes at Paris on Thursday, July 8.

Charlie Ling has joined the ranks of the "joy idiots" as he puts it and is now spinning around town in one of those dandy 20 horse power Ford cars.

Idanha Lodge Knights of Pythias of this city, has incorporated under the laws governing fraternal and benevolent orders.  The articles of incorporation were filed with the Secretary of State the first of the week.


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