Pieces of the Past
The Montpelier Examiner, August 13, 1909
Grant Raymond a former resident of
Raymond, died at Kaysville last week. G H Hall and F C Evans were down to the
funeral. Three of his children are now living with their sister there.
Mr. Greenwald and his partner of Ogden
passed through here this week looking for beef cattle. However, as
ranchers in this valley have not rounded up their cattle yet, they have none for
sale. Several hundred head were purchased at Star Valley by the Ogden men
which they will trail along the Idaho state line until they reach Utah; so as to
avoid the Bear Lake County stock quarantine.
On account of the recent heavy storms, the
Thomas Fork Creek has been muddy the past three weeks.
There were no meetings in Sunday School last
Sunday owing to the fact that most of the Germans were at the Bear Lake
During an electrical storm at Fish Haven last Saturday evening, lightening struck a tree within 50 feet of the tents of several campers. Although no damage was done further than shattering the tree, the occupants of the tens were badly frightened.