Pegram School History
The first school developed east of Pegram at the Cook ranch for the Cook, Bateman and Langford children when the area was called Nuphur. Today it is named after another railroader, L V Chausse. It was a one room school operated for six weeks in the fall and six weeks in the spring. In 1886 there were thirteen children attending.
At Pegram the first school was located west of the railroad tracks and also was a one room log structure which served until 1901. A frame building was built across the tracks to the east and served until 1909 when the next building was constructed.
Examiner article of Oct 25, 1909 says:
"Pegram's new school house will be ready on next Monday, Nov 2, 1909. It
is badly needed and Miss Ellison will be the teacher for 23 students. A dance
will be held soon to properly christen the building. All proceeds will go
to the school for needed incidentals."
In 1916 a new brick building was constructed to house all of the grades, including the Pegram High School. Margaret Esterholdt was the school teacher for two years.
Pegram maintained its high school until 1939 when it was closed. By the early 40s population had dropped and for a few years students were sent to Alta. By the time consolidation hit the valley in the 50s the Pegram school had only enough students to hold one teacher in the lower grades.