Ovid News
The Bear Lake Democrat, 26 February 1881, page 3
We are in receipt of a communication from Ovid, signed "A New Comer" which we are unable to publish for want of space from which we make the following extract.
"The people of Ovid have the credit of having one of the best finished and warmest meeting houses in the valley. Good meetings, generally well attended. Sunday School in good running order, in which Bp. Jensen takes great interest. Had a children's party on Saturday last which rendered satisfaction to all concerned; also there was another dance on the Wednesday following which passed off very agreeably with the exception of a fracas by parties from other settlements."
South Independent, Paris, Idaho, Friday, 10 June 1892, page 3
A pardon is being applied for by one named Jensen of Ovid, who has an iron hand. He gets on a spree occasionally and makes it warm for everybody around him. He was convicted in Judge Patton's court some time ago for assault, and hence his application to the Board of Pardons. Last week we are informed, he got on a drunk in Montpelier and assaulted a shoemaker by striking him in the face with the iron hand breaking his cheek bone. On reaching Ovid the same evening he assaulted an old man and abused him severely. He has proven himself entirely unworthy of any clemency whatever.
Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 14 March 1896, page 4
The bridge on Bear river between here and Ovid will have to be repaired immediately or the high water will carry it away. We understand the commissioners are taking steps toward repairing the same before it is eternally and everlastingly too late.
Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 2 May 1896, page 4
The new telephone line between this city and Paris is now in working order. Connection at Ovid.
Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 6 June
1896, page 1
Last Friday the democrats of Bear Lake elected delegates for a
county convention to held in this city today. At Ovid the election resulted as
follows: L P Nelson, three years, J Olsen, one year. No special tax was voted.
Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 8 August 1896, page 1
The following have been subpoenaed as jurors to serve at the next term of the district court: Andrew A Peterson, Niels Sorenson, John Peterson
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 18 September 1896, page 1
After September 30th the mail from Ovid to Liberty will not go by way of Lanark.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 26 January 1900, page 4
The Ovid Liberty water case continued on account of many witnesses being quarantined.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 3 August 1900, page 4
Registrar-Joseph Johnson
Distributing clerk-Mrs. Caroline Mathisen
Receiving judges-John Olsen, Eveline Rosenbaum, Martin Sorensen
Counting judges-C Sorensen, Mrs. Mary Jensen, A P Nelson
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 18 January 1901, page 5
Joseph Olson, of Ovid, went to Salt Lake Saturday to attend the stockmen's association.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 8 February 1901, page 1
County Jurors-Albert Lindsay & Fred Sleight-Ovid
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 29 March 1901, page 4
For Sale-The Oscar Quarsell farm at Ovid. Call on J A Bagley, Montpelier Idaho, Civil Engineer in office.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 6 September 1901, page 8
Last Monday witnessed the departure of the young people for schools in Utah. Miss Nelson of Ovid went to Logan.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 4 October 1901, page 10
To carry mails from Bern to Ovid, twice a week, 4 miles. bond required $200; new service. From Ovid to Liberty, six times a week, 4 miles. Present price $175.98: bond required $500.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 27 December 1901, page 8
ESTRAY NOTICES. One white yearling steers, square crop in left ear, no brands visible. Taken up Dec 9, 1901. A H Peterson, Ovid, Idaho; Filed Dec 10, 1901.
Two red cows with large calves. One branded J T combined on right hip; swallow fork in right ear and square crop off right ear and two scallops in end of left. Other cow branded J Y combined on left hip and S on right hip. John Peterson, Ovid, Idaho, filed Dec 21st, 1901.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 18 April 1902, page 3
The bid of F W Hurst for the building of the Outlet Bridge between Ovid and Montpelier being the lowest best and only bid made for said work is hereby accepted. Ordered that this Board do now adjourn. HENRY H HOFF-Chairman, James E Hart, Clerk
Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 9 August 1902, page 7
Registrar-Elizabeth Sorenson-Ovid; Distributing Clerk-Nellie Olsen; Receiving Judges-J A Olsen, Alma Matthisen, John Peterson; Counting Judges, Niels Johnson, Andrew Johnson, M Rosenbaum; The following named place was designated for holding the Election in the precinct-Ovid Meeting House.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 21 November 1902, page 5
Michael M Mathisen-Justice of the Peace; John T Rigby-Justice of the Peace; Joseph Johnson-Justice of the Peace; Chris Kunz-Justice of the Peace; Christian Sorensen-constable Ovid; Parley Peterson-Constable Ovid.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 30 September 1904, page 6
The Republican county convention will meet in Montpelier tomorrow for the purpose of placing in nomination a county ticket. Following are the names of the delegates: Ovid-P Lindsay, John Olson, Joseph Johnson, Martin Sorensen
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 28 October 1904, page 7
Martin Sorenson and his son, residing near Ovid, are sick with typhoid fever.
The Paris Post, Friday, 10 July 1908, page 4
At county fair, horses owned by William Rich, Peter Nelson of Ovid and George Alley were entered in the 55 yard dash, Nelson’s winning, Allen’s second.
The Paris Post, Friday, 17 July 1908, page 1
Bishop Philemon Lindsay is building a handsome residence at Ovid. Peter Nelson is also building a fine home. Mr. Carlson is doing a heavy business with his newly invented and patented ironing board.
Page 4-A son was born to Mrs. Frank King of Ovid Saturday.
The Paris Post, 31 July 1908, page 1
Bishop Lindsay has been adding to an addition to his already picturesque and commodious home. Martin Sorenson has also made many improvements on his place of residence at the old Carlson crossing.
The city lot of "Uncle Joe" Johnson has taken on a much nicer appearance since receiving a new fence and the ground leveled up. We have been visited with several slight earthquake shocks during the past week and have distinctly heard grumblings inside of the earth;; both day and night for many days past.
Bro Nels Johnson and Nielson contemplate the erection of a new residences here in the near future and several other townsmen owning rubber plantations in Mexico will no doubt follow suit.
The wind storm Thursday, 23rd played us some naughty pranks tossing John Olsen's implement shed over the fence and out breaking a shad tree at Mr. King's store, taking the roof completely from Geo Johnson's barn and scattering everybody's hay, and frightened a number of people out of their houses in fear of them toppling over; and running away with a wagon load of manure, the property of Jim Johnson, who recovered his wagon after an exciting chase, but not until after the tongue was broken and other minor damage done; and stirring up such a cloud of dust that frightened our trusty and one eyed horse into a trembling fit.
The 24th was celebrated here in grand old pioneer style. Commencing at an early dawn with sharp reports from our expert anvil brigade; followed with an excellent program in the meeting house, in which the old and young alike took a keen and lively interest.
One of the Christian and Teenie Sorenson's boys had a narrow escape from the rude blast of Thursday last. George and Charley were loading hay near the outlet crossing when the gale struck them with such violence that the wagon was capsized and over turned several times. Fortunately the boys escaped serious injury, although George who was n the load was completely buried in the wreckage. The hay rack was demolished and the harness suffered damage, as Charley found it necessary to cut the team loose form the dangerous and whirling wagon.
Page 8-A little son of Mr. Nielsen of Ovid was slightly poisoned by drinking carbolic acid yesterday but was reported recovering last evening.
Paris Post, Friday, 7 August 1908, page 7
Ordered that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed election officers: Ovid Precinct-Registrar-Marintha Lindsay; District Clerk-Mary S Peterson, Judges-Frederick Sleight, Lars P Jensen, Joseph Johnson.
Erastus Peterson and wife, old time residents of Ovid, have moved out to Nounan Valley and settled on a dry farm claim.
Paris Post, Friday, 14 August 1908, page 7
Una, the daughter of Martinus Nielsen, met with a sad and grievous misfortune Friday, the 7th inst. which will deform her for life. While her papa was unloading hay, the child approached the derrick and caught hold of a rope which ran through a pulley near where she clasped it. Her hand was soon borne into the revolving wheel. Every finger of her right hand was badly mutilated, the two smaller ones being so badly lacerated that the flesh and muscles were stripped to the bone. Dr. Guyon believes that he will be able to save the fingers, although she is doomed to remain a cripple in some of them for life.
Jared Johnson, a promising young man of Ovid who is at present in the mission field in Minnesota, writes home that he is well and receiving the benefit of more experience than ever before in his life. He encounters all kinds of treatment and i getting accustomed to an mixture of joy and sorrow, danger and serenity hardship and pleasure, harmony and agitation, hunger and luxury. All of which he trusts will rebound to his profit in the days to come.
George Johnson, one of Ovid's most prosperous and energetic sons, was capsized on Friday last by or from a horse and sustained painful if not serious injuries, which will place him hors de combat for some days.
Thomas Becket, who resides near the north limit of our precinct, is ill and unable to be around.
Page 8-A daughter was born to Mrs. John T Peterson of Ovid Wednesday.
The Paris Post, Friday, 18 September 1908, page 6
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H Jensen of Ovid will move to Albion in the near future to reside. The best wishes of many friends accompany them.
The road between Ovid and Montpelier is sadly in need of repairs
Page 5-Our telephone system has been badly out of order for some time past, but a capable repair crew recently place the line in better condition.
The Paris Post, Friday, 25 September 1908, page 5
The farmers of this section are alarmed over the prospect of a real grasshopper plague in the year 1909. At present the highlands and lowlands are literally alive with millions of these insects, which are busily depositing their eggs for next years crop.
Mrs. Martinus Nielsen has been very seriously ill the past few days. Under the able attendance and attention of Dr. Hayward, her friends are hopeful of a speedy recovery. Charles F Carlsen and Charley Sorenson threaten to rid Bear Lake county of muskrats this fall. In a couple of days they captured two hundred of these furry rodents.
Our district school opened Monday, Sep 21st. Miss Raymond of Montpelier and Miss Eschler of Thomas Fork are the teachers. Friends of Miss Elizabeth Olsen are pleased to welcome her home again after many months of absence. Joseph Johnson Jr. has settled upon and recently fenced a day farm claim between Ovid and Nounan and planted considerable fall wheat.
The Paris Post, Friday, 9 October 1908, page 3
Following are the Republican nominees for justice and constables; Ovid-Joseph Johnson, Andrew Johnson, F Carlson.
Ovid-Sep 29-James Olsen, our talented young townsman, met with a serious mishap the 28th inst. While riding at full speed to heard off a band of mustangs he was driving, the animal he was on stumbled and fell into a nest of cobblestones. James was painfully mangled.
Paris Post, Friday, 6 November 1908, page 1
Christina Nielsen, daughter of Andrew Nielson of Ovid, was examined before Probate Judge Kunz during the past week and sent to the asylum. She was examined for insanity with Dr. Hoover and Hayward being present. She had been in the asylum once before but was released. She was taken to Blackfoot by Dr. Hoover.
The Paris Post, Friday, 27 November 1908, page 4
Joseph Johnson, the genial Justice of the Peace of Ovid, was in town (Paris) on business Monday.
The Paris Post, Friday, 25 December 1908, page 4
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J T Derricott of Ovid, a fine baby boy Friday. Miss Priscilla Lindsay of Ovid, a popular student of the Fielding Academy was taken very ill with appendicitis last Friday afternoon. Dr. Ashley took her to Ogden Saturday, where an operation was at once performed at the hospital. Dr. Ashley returned Monday and reports that she is progressing very favorable.
The Paris Post, Friday, 1 January 1909, page 4
Venice Johnson of Ovid while coasting on snowshoes Wednesday afternoon had the misfortune to fall, dislocating her shoulder and breaking her arm.
The Paris Post, Friday, 8 January 1909, page 4
Miss Priscilla Lindsay returned from Ogden Wednesday evening, much recovered from her recent operation from appendicitis. Venice Johnson of Ovid while coasting on snowshoes Wednesday afternoon, had the misfortune to fall, dislocating her shoulder and breaking her arm.
The Paris Post, Friday, 15 January 1909, page 1
The new county commissioners are Henry Hoff of Montpelier, Philemon Lindsay of Ovid and Ernest N Schofield of Fish Haven.
The Paris Post, Friday, 11 February 1909, page 1
On Tuesday evening W D Ream and George H Hall delivered addressed at Ovid. A town organization for Farmer's Union was effected with John Olson as president and John Myers as secretary.
The Paris Post, Friday, 19 March 1909, page 1
Bishop Lindsay reported that priesthood meetings are well attended and the Saints in Ovid are getting along very well.
Paris Post, Friday, 26 March 1909, page 4
The old folks of Ovid were given a highly enjoyable party Wednesday.
Paris Post, Friday, 2 April 1909, page 4
Bishop Lindsay was in town from Ovid Saturday and reports that every voter there signed the petition for prohibition.
Paris Post, Friday, 30 April 1909, page 1
County Superintendent has received a report of
various trustees elected in this county at the recent election and the amount of
taxes voted, as follows;
Ovid-No 6, elected John Myers Jr. and voted a 5 mill special tax.
A bouncing baby boy was born to Mrs. Martin Sorenson of Ovid last Tuesday.
Paris Post, Thursday, 11 February 1909, page 3
The Board of County Commissioners of Bear Lake County met this 11th day of January and the following bills were paid out of the road and bridge fund:
Ovid-Fred Sleight, John C Olsen, George Johnson, Albert Lindsay, S B Ludlum, John Peterson, John Myers Jr.
Paris Post, Friday, 28 May 1909, page 4
The Ovid home dramatic company will present the drama, "The Turn of the Tide" at the Ovid hall on Saturday evening May 29th and the farce, "The Persecuted Dutchman." There will be also by some please specialties.
Paris Post, Friday, 18 June 1909, page 4
Newell Nelson of Ovid is building a comfortable new home at Ovid.
William Jensen of Ovid leaves this week for the Eastern States, where he will fill a mission.
Paris Post, Friday, 9 July 1909, page 4
Mrs. Nellie Olson of Ovid is quite ill with stomach trouble.
Paris Post, Friday, 17 September 1909, page 1
A son was born to Mrs. Parley Peterson of Ovid.
page 4-A son of George Nelson of Ovid fell from a horse and broke his arm Monday. Mrs. Isaac Tunks of Ovid who has been very ill is improving. George Johnson of Ovid is seriously ill with la grippe.
Paris Post, Friday, 5 November 1909, page 1
Mr. Frank Lewis of Paris and Mr. John T Peterson of Ovid, having filed the lowest bids to furnish coal for the county for the winter, said bids being $6.50 per ton delivered at Paris in lots of about ten tons at one time. It is ordered that said bids be accepted and that this contract be equally divided between said parties.
Paris Post, Friday, 19 November 1909, page 4
Rogers Brothers, the skillful and enterprising painters, are beautifying the Ovid meeting house.
Paris Post, Friday, 3 December 1909, page 4
A daughter was born to Mrs. Leroy Lindsay of Ovid Saturday.
Paris Post, Friday, 8 April 1910, page 4
A fine son was born to Mrs. Joseph Jensen of Ovid last Wednesday.
Paris Post, Friday, 4 March 1910, page 1
The Ovid Dramatic Company presented the pleasing drama "The Strike" last Saturday evening to a large audience. Those taking part comprising Charles Carlson, James A Olson, Minnie Lindsay, Hazel Peterson, Maggie Jensen, John Myers Jr. Valentine Hedbarg, Martin Sorenson, Isaac Johnson, Florence Johnson. The entertainment netted $26.
Paris Post, Friday, 29 April 1910, page 1
The road overseer of this district has been quite busy of late on the public highways and the condition of our thoroughfares have been much improved. A number of our citizens have recently taken the initiative of investing in some fine specimens of imported blooded stock, among the later purchasers are John Myers Jr. L P Nelson, Olsen Bro. Philemon Lindsay and others. And we predict for Ovid a goodly share of the prizes that will be distributed at the September County fair.
The premises of Bishop Lindsay this spring manifest the handiwork of a professional landscape gardener, and much of the trim skill and tidiness of the garden and lawn is due to the industry of his methodical daughter.
Paris Post, Monday, 6 June 1910, page 1
It grieves us to announce that our "Dumplings" were badly beaten by the St Charles team Saturday the 28th just but we are given to understand that the umpire, together with the reflection of Sol's rays on the cluster of towering trees surrounding the ball ground, were responsible for our defeat.
Paris Post, Friday, 22 July 1910, page 7
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid from the road and bridge fund: Lars Jensen-labor $28.00; Asa Jensen-labor $18.00; Isaac Johnson-labor $3.40; Andrew Olsen-labor $34.00; Ezra Johnson-labor $58.00; James C Olsen-labor $20.00; Charles Sorenson-labor $26.00; Nels P Nielsen-labor $16.00; Lorenzo Johnson-labor $12.00; Niels Johnson-labor $6.00
Paris Post, Friday, 5 August 1910, page 4
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King of Ovid are the proud progenitors of a granddaughter, a daughter having been born to their daughter Mrs. Olson last Sunday.
Paris Post, Friday, 7 October 1910, page 2
Notice is hereby given, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for Bear Lake County will be on the 12th day of October, 1910 for raising the outlet bridge, between Ovid and Montpelier.
Paris Post, Friday, 4 November 1910, page 4
To Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Peterson of Ovid a boy, born Thursday, Nov 3, 1910.
Paris Post, Friday, 28 April 1911, page 1
Three former students of the Fielding are laboring together in the mission field; William O Clark, son of Bishop W W Clark of Montpelier, Heber C Clark, son of H D Clark of Star Valley, and L William Jensen, son of L P Jensen of Ovid.
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 27 March 1914, page 5
Mrs. Christina Peterson is gradually recovering from her serious illness. Joe and Ed Johnson are tearing down their house, preparatory to building a new one. John Olson has purchased some choice Rhode Island Reds. Mr. Shurtliff gave an interesting talk at the meeting last Sunday afternoon. He told of his experience while serving as a missionary in Holland.
Paris Post, Friday, 23 January 1920, page 1
County champions in the junior farm bureau clubs for 1919 spent the week in Pocatello; Harley Peterson of Ovid, champion in poultry; Edith Parker of Ovid, champion in garden club work.
Daily News, Wednesday, 16 February 1921, page 2
Robert E Gordon of Ovid, was appointed Deputy Game Warden last December by Governor David and he reports twenty-six arrests and convictions for game violations since his appointment.
Daily News, Montpelier, Idaho, 24 August 1921, page 2
Mrs. Agnes Nelson, Mrs. Ed Lambert, Mrs. Josephine Driver, Mrs. M T Dixon, Miss Mary McIntosh and Chris Olson went to Ovid today to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. John Myers Jr.
Daily News, Wednesday, 21 September 1921, page 2
Elnora, the twelve year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N D Peterson of Ovid, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, is reported to be somewhat better.
Montpelier Examiner, Thursday, 2 February 1922, page 1
Commissioners named jurors from Ovid for 1922: John T Peterson, Peter Neilson, Jim Olsen, Oliver Peterson, Lars P Jensen, Lorenzo Johnson,
Montpelier Examiner, Thursday, 29 May 1930, page 1
Theil Johnson, 17 year old son of Ike Johnson of Ovid, had the misfortune to break his arm last Monday. Dr. Ashley was called and set the fracture and if no complications arise the young man will be able to use the member shortly.
Montpelier Examiner, Thursday, 26 November 1931, page 8
Dance at Ovid Nov 20. Music by Rhythm Kings. Admission 50 cents.
Montpelier Examiner, Thursday, 9 March 1933, page 1
Harmon Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Johnson, had his left arm brother while skiing at the Ace Jensen farm Saturday, Feb 25. Elzo Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Johnson of Ovid, had the terrible misfortune of seriously breaking every bone in his right arm while skiing at the James Johnson farm Saturday. He is slowly improving.
Paris Post, Thursday, 26 October 1950, page 4
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielson have moved into the
Darwin Jensen home. Mr. Ernest White held a square dance at Ovid Monday evening.
Those present enjoyed it very much.