Montpelier News

Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 25 April 1896, page 1

Dr. Forban, formerly of this city, is now located in the City of Mexico. A couple of attempts were made at holding up citizens this week by tramps. Jack Haggie and Solomon Tremelling were the victims but they finally got away from the would be foot pads without losing anything.

Mrs. Will Hughart presented her husband with a bouncing boy Saturday last. All parties doing well. E M Stewart is now day operator at the telegraph office and Mr. Greene takes the night shift again. C C Balknap goes to Pocatello. Get your supper next Monday night at Tony Hagen's Star restaurant.

Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 2 May 1896, page 1

Joe Jones was in Salt Lake this week on business.

Ben Ritter, manager of Ritter Bros. immense drug store, was in town yesterday. Wm Rimes has moved his fruit store to the building formerly occupied by Dr. Hoover. Postmaster Hammond gave his residence a coat of paint this week, thus enhancing its attractiveness.

Forty tourists were in town Thursday morning, but Marshal Hager managed to get them out without trouble. Miss Ada Young, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. M D Wells, returned to her home in Salt Lake Tuesday. David Osborne and family left this week for Snake River valley to locate. They will be greatly missed in this section for Mr. Osborne has lived here for 32 years. Their numerous friends wish them well in their new home.

Johnny O'Connor is improving his property in this city by the erection of  commodious barn. Wm W Moebius, general western manager for the Singer Sewing machine was in this city Thursday. Mrs. J G Smith and Mrs. Dennis Moore leave this evening for a short visit, the former in Evanston and the latter at Emery, Utah.

Joe Rich was up from the Hot Springs this week. He reports that the roads as being fine and the bath house is in first class condition and ready for use.

Last Monday, the 27th, in presence of a few friends and relatives at the home of S B Stanley, L R Lehrbas and Miss Lena Morris were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony by Archdeacon Johnston.


News Examiner, Saturday, 9 May 1896, page 1

Yardmaster Gray is on the sick list again. Rev Boyd was over from Paris Thursday. Mrs. James Redman returned from her eastern visit Sunday. Editor Wallis will begin the publication of a paper at Randolph shortly.

D J Pritchard, a well known mining man of Nampa was in town this week. Conductor Kirchoff has moved his family to Pocatello since he has been transferred to the second district.

Mose Lewis will begin moving his store next week if the weather is favorable. Attorney Bagley and Andrew bird were in Blackfoot this week looking after a land contract. Dave Osborne and family were detained at Georgetown several days this week on account of the storms. They started for Snake river valley on Wednesday.

Chas Schmid, the tailor, is now agent for Wanamaker & Brown of Philadelphia. Bert Thatcher is organizing a hme company to play "Molly Bawn" at Green River. Robt. Easton, the noted singer, and Mrs. Nettie Snell of Logan were married in Salt Lake on April 28th.

Dr. Hoover did not got to Perry to see Postmaster Budd, but a young man who lived some forty miles the other side of Mr. Budd's place. He found his patient hovering between life and death with a fractured skull.

President Budge this week presented Mrs. Lindsay, president of the UIMI Association, with a handsome buggy in recognition of her valuable services in behalf of these counties.

Sam Lewis is preparing to enlarge his building to make room for his increasing business.  President Clark and General Manager Dickinson together with the reorganization committee of the Oregon Short Line are expected any day in this city.


Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 16 May 1896, page 1

Ed French of the Examiner, is on the sick list. Dr. R Owens of San Francisco is visiting Dr. Tannar of this city. John R Wallis instead of Jas H will start a paper at Randolph, Utah in the near future. It will be called "The Roundup".

Roberts Bros. of Star valley have dissolved partnership, so report says. One will engage in the stock business and the other continue in the store. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Milford Williams Saturday a bouncing baby girl. Mother and baby getting along splendidly.

Once again we desire to call the attention of riders to the bicycle ordinance. Wheels must be kept off the sidewalks and a bell and lamp must be carried. Several infringements are reported lately on account of the bad weather.

Attorney Bagley left Thursday night for Blackfoot on land business. He will not return until after the Pocatello convention. L P Riley has opened his watch making shop next door to Frank Jones meat market. Mary E Tanner MD, Ph G. has opened a drug store in the Whitman building near the Post office with a full line of drugs, toilet articles, perfumery, etc.

G C Gray left for a short visit to the eastern states Sunday. He expected to be gone two weeks.


Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 30 May 1896, page 1

Attorney Bagley's wife presented him with a bouncing girl last Friday evening. John was able to be around Monday. Manager Wells is highly elated over the fact that the Montpelier branch of the Co-op W & M Co. did the best volume of business of any of the branches. Tony Hagen will shortly have a delivery wagon for his bakery. It will start next Monday. Tony has lately fixed the Star restaurant up in palatial style.

Johnny Horton who was in business in this city several years ago was married at Blackfoot the 30th of April. Johnny is running a meat market at Blackfoot. Fred Hansen will henceforth deliver fresh fruit at your door.

Andrew Jensen had the misfortune to run a nail in his foot Wednesday morning which will lay him up for some time.  S P Emelle makes a specialty of repairing watches damaged by incompetent workmen. He is now located permanently in Montpelier at Hansen's store. Rev George Lamb will preach at Paris next Sabbath morning occupying his own pulpit at Calvary church at 8 am.

The Misses Crowell and Leonard, teachers from uptown, with their students and several residents went up Montpelier canyon Wednesday for a picnic. Mrs. Thos Murphy has sold her interest in the Cottage restaurant to Mrs. J N Bresee. During Murphy's management the Cottage became famous for good meals and we predict that Mrs. Bresee will keep the place up to its present high standard.


Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 6 June 1896, page 1

Wm Bishoff and Louisa Keller of Berne were married in Logan this week. Cy Wheelan was renewing acquaintances in this section during the past few days. Ben Sommers has moved his stone yard to the vacant lot between Stuart's store and Dr. Tannar's place. W H Dodge has commenced work again on his claims near St Charles.

Rev Johnston left for Pocatello and Blackfoot Wednesday night. Miss Irene Douglas is the proud possessor of a new Rambler bicycle. A marriage license was granted to Samuel J read and Anne Fredriksen on Monday. A marriage license has been granted to Joe Orchard and Miss Katherine Young of this city.

Operator E M Stewart has been transferred to Nampa and J Gorlog takes his place at this point. Rev George Lamb and family spent some days at Soda Springs this week visiting at the Presbyterian Manse.

Judge Hillier has been quite sick during the week. Attorney Glenn has moved his law office to the rooms over the Consolidated Implement Co's store. A Galloway, stake superintendent of Sunday Schools and wife were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed French this week.

Ira Eldredge and family of Coalville Utah, visited Solon Robinson's family this week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E D Smith on June 1st, a daughter; weight nine pounds. Mother and child doing splendid and 'Gene is happy as a lark. Helmer Dean and Miss Lizzie Cook who were married at Fossil last Saturday evening were the recipients of a large number of presents.

Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 13 June 1896, page 1

Ed Burgoyne is having quite a large addition built to the residence occupied by Dr. Hoover on Washington avenue. There is some trouble over the 8-mile school election. Judge Patten will look into the matter shortly.  Supt. Van Housen had his private car set out at this station Wednesday. He came down to inspect the damage being done by high water along the Short Line.

A S Root was bound over last week in the sum of $200 to the district court for assault with a deadly weapon. Mr. Root claims he was unarmed at the time. Bob Watson did not have his arm amputated as reported this week, but instead the doctor opened the limb and scraped the bone. Bob is now getting along fine. He is at the Ogden Hospital.

Mrs. Fred Grunig presented her husband with a bouncing girl Tuesday evening. Fred is now searching the lexicon of names to find one beautiful enough for the new heiress.  Attorney E E Chalmets will leave the latter part of this month for Blackfoot, Idaho, where he will locate permanently. Ed has been a resident of Montpelier for four years and in that time has established a reputation of being one of the best lawyers in the state.

At the spelling school last Saturday evening John Mackin won the first prize of $5 offered for the successful scholar, Esther Underwood, second prize of $2, Willie Robertson, third prize of $1, Emma Spongberg, fourth prize for the open competition Mrs. Geo won first prize, Mrs. Underwood, second prize.

City Clerk, Ed O'Connor went down to the train the other night to welcome his father-in-law, who was expected for a visit. No 1 gets here about 12 o'clock at night and all the passengers are usually asleep. Ed did not see the party he was looking for, so he concluded he must be asleep in one of the coaches. Finding the conductor he inquired if an old gentleman was aboard bound for Oregon. The Con. answered in the affirmative. Ed jumped on the train and finding an old gentleman, awoke him and pulled him out on the platform just as the train was leaving.

Here Mrs. O'Connor discovered that he was not her father and Switchman Hughart had to flag the engineer to stop and allow the old man to get aboard again he all the while murmuring something about "train robbers" etc. The father0in-law Mr. Cooley arrived the next evening and is not enjoying his visit with relatives and friends.


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