Mayor Edward Burgoyne

In 1892 the county commissioners filed a petition with the State of Idaho to become a second class city.  In March 1893 the city was incorporated and on April 11, the following officers were elected to the first City Council;

Edward Burgoyne-Mayor; Charles H Toomer-City Clerk; John A Kelley-Police Judge; Edward C Rich-City Engineer; Joseph C Rich, George Hillier, Charles Hager, George Robertson, Charles H Hammond and Peter Mayer as the councilmen.


Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 28 March 1902, page 1

One of the largest congregations that ever assembled in Montpelier to honor the memory of a dead citizen, gathered at the meeting house last Saturday morning. Relatives and others came from Logan, Kemmerer and other outside points. The LDS house of worship didn't begin to hold all that desired to hear the services over the remains of Mr. Burgoyne. Mayor Barrett and the city council attended in a body as a mark of respect to the deceased who was the first mayor of the city.

The remains were borne from the residence to the church by Brennan, Davis, Cederlund, Stephens, A Williams and A Hogensen, all of whom were either were or had been former employees of Mr. Burgoyne. On the stand besides Bishop Clark were Elders Budge, William L Rich and J U Stucki of the stake presidency and Elders George Hillier and Charles Bridges.

Mr. Rich offered prayer. Mr. Bridges portrayed some of the characteristics of the deceased, whom he had know for nearly forty years. Mr. Hillier followed with a beautiful eulogy. President Budge followed as to the lessons one ought to learn by such occasions. Bishop Clark closed the speaking.

The remains were taken to the grave followed by a large concourse of people. Thus closed the chapter, the passing of one of Montpelier's most beloved, honored and respected citizens.


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