Bear Lake Marriages
All marriage licenses are in the Courthouse in Paris and town listed is not necessarily the place of marriage.
Earl, Wilda
R (of Benkolmen Nebraska) to Vinton Irvin Rhodes (of Arco Idaho) m-20 June 1921
by Elder Silas L Wright in Paris in the presence of F H & Mrs. F H Chapin;
recorded 1;35pm 20 June
Earley, Lula Lavern to Ivan Orley Perkins 1 Sep 1926 in
Easton, John to Beatrice Rhodes 28 Aug 1931 in Paris
Eastwood, Albert to Irene Farey 29 May 1933 in Bennington
Eborn, Willard to Blanche Hymas 23 Dec 1931 in Paris
Eckert, Helen to S G Evans 5 Dec 1919 in Paris
Eckloff, Randolph Jackson to Wilma Dalton 12 Sep 1914 in Paris
Eddins, Arvella to James Leland Hawkins 9 June 1928 in Paris
Eddins, Clara to Vernal William Stoker 8 Feb 1923 in Paris
Eddins, Lavern to William F Hebdan 27 Oct 1910 in Paris
Eddins, Levell G to Kathryn McNeel 1 Nov 1930 in Paris
Eddins, Neta to Herbert Orlando Miller 19 Feb 1914 in Paris
Eddins, Orland to Ada Sessions 17 Mar 1930 in Paris
Ederly, L D to Bertha Neuenschwander 17 Sep 1913 in Paris
Edgren, Lavon Marian to Devon Isaac Vannoy 31 July 1934 in Paris
Edgren, Nina to Chester Samuel Synder 1 Oct 1919 in Paris
Edwards, H W to Rose Stroud 30 June 1925 in Montpelier
Edwards, Irene to Arthur D Long 1 July 1930 in Paris
Egbert, Amy to J E Harwood 23 Apr 1934 in Paris
Egbert, Elmo Lewis to Lillian May Beckwith 14 Jan 1924 in Paris
Eggleston, Florence to Norman D Moffat 3 June 1913 in Paris
Eggleston, Mary to John Jawett 29 Nov 1887 in Montpelier
Eggleston, Walter M to Emma E Call 17 July 1905 in Paris
Egley, Lena to James Beuther Laughter 12 Oct 1894 in Montpelier
Eignor, Wilma to Chauncey Bacon 30 Oct 1930 in Paris
Einzniger, Annie to Irvin Foss 20 Apr 1911 in Montpelier
Eller, Charles Fred to Luella Kearl 20 Jan 1915 in Paris
Ellis, Gladys to Orrin Law 22 Mar 1920 in Paris
Ellis, Laura to Alvero Coleman 7 July 1903 in Montpelier
Ellis, Morris (of Montpelier) to Ericka Seewer (of Montpelier) m-27 Aug 1921
by LDS Elder Silas L Wright in Paris in the presence of Annie Seewer & Amy Munk;
recorded 3:30 pm 27 Aug
Ellsworth, Earl E to Retha Durney 17 Dec 1923 in Paris
Erramouspe, John to Jeanne Allisando 19 July 1919 in Montpelier
Erb, Winter G to Harriet Hayes 17 Mar 1913 in Paris
Erickson, Delbert John to Ruby Ethel Nield 2 June 1930 in Paris
Erickson, Duard to Vera Hoopes 11 Jan 1929 in Paris
Erickson, Elizabeth B to Henry Kent 15 Jan 1913 in Paris
Erickson, Ethel M to Thomas J Wainwright 28 Apr 1909 in Paris
Erickson, Fern to Gordon Hoopes 23 Sep 1933 in Paris
Erickson, Henry to Betsy S Crook 24 Dec 1900 in Paris
Erickson, Ida Carolina to Nels C Esterholdt 28 June 1897 in Dinglt
Erickson, Kathryn E to Albert J Angelovic 11 Nov 1920 in Paris
Erickson, Lars to Ida Bjorklund 24 Oct 1888 in Montpelier
Erickson, Pertha to Adiel Siikamaki 26 July 1924 in Paris
Erickson, Peter to Lavenna Turner 16 Aug 1928 in Paris
Erickson, Eda Vilate to Delvin Parley Passey 15 June 1933 in Paris
Erickson, Vilate Betsey to Gilbert Charles Turner 23 July 1926 in
Eschler, Louis Moroni to Libbie Kunz 20 Apr 1914 in Paris
Eschler, Reuben N to Lula I Berrier 8 May 1913 in Paris
Eschler, Wilhelmina to Edward Berger 10 June 1898 in Montpelier
Eskelson, Zelda to Ross Haddock Nye 11 Oct 1928 in Paris
Esterholdt, Aland to Leila Nate 2 Apr 1927 in Paris
Esterholdt, George Joseph to Cora Shane 18 Nov 1913 in Paris
Esterholdt, George Joseph to Eva L Bryan 26 Nov 1915 in Paris
Esterholdt, Iola Mary Ann to James Weldon Dunn 3 July 1933 in
Esterholdt, Lawrence E to Mary Jane Sparks 28 Jan 1912 in Paris
Esterholdt, Nora to Joseph P Rasmusson 19 Dec 1901 in Bloomington
Estrada, Josefina to Siblano Amodor 1 Mar 1929 in Paris
Etchebest, Gracieuse to Alexis Agner 8 Sep 1903 in Montpelier
Eubank, Sarah Licia to John Angwin 11 Sep 1925 in Montpelier
Evans, Andy Lawrence to Winifred Vilate Kimball 2 Jan 1915 in
Evans, Asa Clarence to Lenora Kimball 29 Sep 1914 in Paris
Evans, Catherine to John Phil Thomas 14 July 1910 in Montpelier
Evans, Dwella to Steve James Jiacoletti 15 Feb 1925 in Paris
Evans, Eliza to Thomas Arthur Nowland 28 Apr 1923 in Paris
Evans, Fern Ivanilla to Wesley Harrison Ward 1 Mar 1925 in Paris
Evans, Maud to Charles H Heminger 12 June 1913 in Paris
Evans, S G to Helen Eckert 5 Dec 1919 in Paris
Everingham, Seymour Charles to Constance Boyd McIntosh 15 Jan 1917
in Montpelier
Evert, Gladys to Leroy Roberts Dana 14 July 1927 in Paris
Everton, Fama to Albert R Kunz 20 Mar 1923 in Paris
Ewer, Bernard Henry to Edna Elizabeth Carruth 30 May 1926 in Paris
Farey, Irene
to Albert Eastwood 29 May 1933 in Bennington
Faris, Robert William to Elizabeth A Johnson 15 July 1919 in Paris
Farmer, Hannah May to Casper R Austad 1 May 1912 in Paris
Farmer, Lillian to Ralph Findlay 22 Jan 1919 in Paris
Farmer, Martha Hilda to Eden Frickson 9 Sep 1914 in Paris
Faux, Dorothy (of Salt Lake City) to Dave Beal (of Salt Lake City)
m-11 Sep 1922 by LDS Minister Silas W Wright in Paris in the presence of James
Dunn and Arvilla Smedley; recorded 9:30am 11 Sep 1922
Feinauer, Albert Ernest to Anna Rosa Goeckertiz 13 May 1929 in
Feller, Mary Adeline to William Evan Watson 23 Apr 1919 in Paris
Feltman, Thomas Sidney to Alice Gertrude Hall 30 Apr 1912 in Paris
Fenton, Nicholas to Hazel C Nicholls 29 Aug 1928 in Paris
Fifield, Inis to Don Kusee 27 July 1933 in Paris
Filer, Benjamin F S to Kate Clark 12 Apr 1912 in Paris
Finch, John H to Claudia Young 1 Dec 1896 in Montpelier
Findlay, Laurel C (of Kemmerer Wyoming) to Grace Tyzack (of
Portland Oregon) m-31 Jan 1922 by Probate Judge W Smith Hoge in Paris in the
presence of D C Kunz and Letha Dunford; recorded 5pm 31 Jan 1922
Findlay, Mattie B to Vandelieur J French 24 Dec 1912 in Paris
Findlay, Myrtle to Frank Heber Dalton 17 July 1913 in Paris
Findlay, Ralph to Lillian Farmer 22 Jan 1919 in Paris
Firth, Paul Burton (of Ogden Ut) to Margaret Louise Spencer (of
Randolph Ut) m-24 June 1922 by LDS Minister Silas L Wright in
Paris in the presence of S J Athay and Mercy P Kelsey; recorded 2:30pm 24 June
Fisher, Eudora Irene to John Henry Reece 29 Dec 1924 in Paris
Fisher, Margaret to Leroy Pugmire 30 Mar 1902 in Paris
Fitensor, May to John Heap 9 Feb 1905 in Paris
Fitzgibbons, Edward Harvey to Alma Eva Bunzel 20 Nov 1914 in Paris
Fitzpatrick, Cecilia B to James B Wood 16 May 1905 in Paris
Fitzpatrick, Inza to Kenneth H Williams 1 Mar 1930 in Montpelier
Fjelstead, Mamie to Clarence E Loughney 25 Mar 1902 in Montpelier
Fleming, Ina Mary to Merle Everett Doan 23 Dec 1933 in Paris
Fleming, Louise to Peter McClure 16 Nov 1904 in Paris
Fletcher, Leslie Edwin to Violetta Clara Rasmussen 6 Nov 1924 in
Flicker, Perry David to Sarah Ann Greaves 1 Sep 1914 in Montpelier
Flint, Orval Gray to Erma McDermott 22 Sep 1914 in Montpelier
Floyd, Anne M to Nephi Bunderson 16 Sep 1903 in Bloomington
Floyd, Chauncey to Estelle Pugmire 9 Jan 1912 in Paris
Floyd, Frank Edward to Rose Welker 21 Apr 1915 in Bloomington
Floyd, George H to Charlotte M Bateman 24 Sep 1895 in Bloomington
Floyd, Leonard to Mary Elizabeth Tremelling 20 July 1899 in St
Floyd, Milton J to Gena Welker 27 June 1906 in Bloomington
Floyd, Oliver Foster to Winnie Eulila Clark 23 July 1914 in Paris
Floyd, Wendell George to Nina Dunn 3 July 1925 in Paris
Floyd, William Fielding to Carrie Mattson 4 Jan 1926 in Paris
Fluckiger, John Joseph to Mary Ada Turner 15 Sep 1917 in Paris
Flukiger, Adeline to Harold Jensen 28 Aug 1924 in Paris
Flukiger, Lillie to William Edgar Wilkes 19 Feb 1923
Flynn, Helen A to Joseph J Taylor 8 June 1909 in Montpelier
Foden, Joseph to Amelia Oakey 7 Apr 1902 in Montpelier
Follick, Fay to Walter C Myers 3 July 1934 in Montpelier
Follick, Sarah Elizabeth to John Bryan Hopkins 31 July 1907 in
Ford, Edna to Frederick Eugene Robbins 18 May 1926 in Paris
Forgean, Ralph K to Alice E Aland 13 Mar 1906 in Paris
Foreman, Albert Aaron to Melva Ann Snyder 19 Mar 1919 in Paris
Forrest, Archie to Chloe Holme 1 Dec 1933 in Paris
Foss, Ernest Irvin to Eletta Hemmert 8 Feb 1923 in Paris
Foss, Irvin to Annie Einzinger 20 Apr 1911 in Montpelier
Foster, Joseph Hyrum to Jane Catherine Skinner 8 Oct 1907 in Paris
Foster, Mildred to Albert L Swainston 31 July 1929 in Paris
Fowler, Josephine to James Short 23 Apr 1902 in Montpelier
Fowler, Roseltha to Orson Holmes 10 June 1903 in Montpelier
Fox, Edna M to Benjamin V Walter 1 Aug 1926 in Montpelier
Francis, Celia A to George T Olsen 18 June 1923 in Paris
Fraser, John Andrew to Mildred Adalene Cross 30 Nov 1914 in
Fraser, Laura to D W Truitt 30 Dec 1912 in Paris
Freborg, Esther Maria to Edward L Short 29 Nov 1901 in Montpelier
Fredericks, Chester Raymond to Blanche Wixom 1 May 1924 in Paris
Fredricks, Charles H to Luella M Sorensen 3 June 1907 in Paris
Freeman, Archie Leroy (of Georgetown) to Ivy Bacon (of Nounan) m-2 Feb 1921
by Stake President Edward C Rich in Montpelier in the presence of Deborah Rich &
Hariet Eliza Bacon; recorded 5 pm 5 May
Freeman, Clyde B to Ruth E Wright 15 Nov 1933 in Paris
Freeman, Fred O to Harriet E Young 17 July 1920 in Paris
Freeman, Marvin Silvester to Irene Walker 9 June 1927 in Paris
Freeman, Orson to Sarah Sizemore 30 Dec 1901 in Paris
Frey, Lucy to J A Lockhart 7 Nov 1907 in Paris
Frickson, Eden to Martha Hilda Farmer 9 Sep 1914 in Paris
Fritchman, Holt to Verda Cazier 1 Mar 1934 in Paris
Frost, Sarah Annie to Alma Porter 16 July 1917 in Paris
Fuchs, Henry to Ella Mecham 11 June 1919 in Montpelier