Dr. H H King


The Montpelier Examiner, July 23, 1909


Dr. King made a flying trip to Soda Springs last evening in response to a telegram stating that a little daughter of John Austin, a prominent sheep man of that place, had a severe attack of ptomaine poison.

Mr. Austin ordered a special train to convey the doctor to Soda.  The train, consisting of an engine and one coach in charge of Conductor Wood and Engineer Rasmussen at the throttle, made the 31 mile run in exactly 30 minutes.

The special returned several hours after the doctor had administered all the relief possible to the child.  A telephone message to the doctor this morning stated that the little girl was resting very comfortably and would probably recover.

The special train cost Mr. Austin $130.

The Montpelier Examiner, July 25, 1913

The state board of health has recently redistricted Bear Lake County for the registration of vital statistics, making five primary districts in the county.  Dr. H H King has been appointed registrar for the district comprising Montpelier, Bennington, Wardboro, Pegram and Thomas Fork country and W L Rich has been named as registrar for Paris and surrounding country.

Georgetown and Dingle each constitute a district and the fifth district includes St Charles and Fish Haven.  All births and deaths must be reported to the registrars of their respective districts within 10 days after they occur.


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