Julia Mary Ann Hymas

Paris Post, Friday, 8 February 1918, page 1


In the funeral of Mrs. H H Hymas held last Monday morning, there passed from this earth one of the most highly respected citizens of Paris. Mrs. Hymas was born in Paris 44 years ago last May, the daughter of James and Maren K Arff Poulsen. On October 29, 1891, she married H H Hymas. The early part of their married life was spent in Liberty Idaho and about 18 years ago they moved to Paris.

Seven children came to them, five of whom are still living; namely, Mrs. Matt Price of Idaho Falls; Elsie, Weston and Grace all of Paris. Nine years ago Mrs. Hymas was bereft of her husband and was left to face the world alone with the family to take care of. The funeral was well attended and very impressive. Prayer was offered by H H Broomhead. The first speakers were Elder Samuel Matthews of Liberty, Bishop Findlay of Bloomington and Bishop Morgan of Liberty. Pres. Roy A Welker and Pres. William L Rich of the Bear Lake stake spoke.

The benediction was pronounced by Bishop Passey of Lanark. A large crowd followed the remains to their final resting place in the Paris cemetery.


Paris Post, Friday, 17 January 1919, page 4

In the matter of the Estate and Guardianship of Weston Hymas and Grace Hymas, minors. James S Poulsen, guardian of the persons and estate of Weston Hymas and Grace Hymas, minors, having filed his petition praying for an order of sale of all the interest which said minors have in certain real estate for the purpose therein set forth.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDER by the Judge of said court that all persons interested in the estate of said minors appear before the said Probate Court on Monday the 23rd day of December 1918 at 11 am in the city of Paris to show cause why the order should be granted to the said guardian to sell so much of the real estate of said minors as shall be necessary.


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