John Allen Sutton

Paris Post, Wednesday, 27 January 1909, page 1

January 27,1909, marked the fiftieth birthday of our esteemed and worthy citizen John A Sutton Jr. of Paris. About 30 invited guests met at the home of Sutton to celebrate the event and a royal good time was had. The personnel was John A Sutton Sr. and his daughter Wealthy; Mrs. Anna Laker, Edward Sutton and wife, Mrs. Mark Sutton and son Mark Henry, Mrs. David J Sutton was absent in consequence of sickness.

Bishop Robert Price and wife, Bishop H T Humphreys and wife, Joseph R Shepherd and wife, William L Rich and wife, W W Richards and wife, Thomas Sleight and wife, Christian Wallentine and wife, Mrs. Amy Cook, Miss Rachel Gray, Miss Myrtle Dalrymple, Mrs. Anderson and daughter Hazel.


Paris Post, Friday, 18 November 1910, page 1

In honor of our esteemed fellow citizen and pioneer of Salt Lake and Bear Lake Valley, John A Sutton, who has just passed the 78th mile stone looking many years younger. The company consisted of his missionary sons with their wives and some of their sons and daughters and a jolly crowd were telling of their missionary experience and singing the songs of Zion, for there is lots of sunshine in their hearts and many were the congratulations to their father hoping he will live many years to counsel and advise his children.

It was regretted very much the absence of his tow oldest and two youngest sons and his two great grandchildren which was unavoidable.


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