John S Barrett

Montpelier Examiner, Wednesday, 26 January 1898, page 41

J S Barrett formally took charge of the Stevens Implement Co branch here last Thursday. George Gardner will still remain with the firm, and Ed Croft will be in its employ. Mr. Barrett, the new manager, is a thorough business man and has had a large experience in this county. He has friends everywhere and under his care this branch of the Stevens Imp. Co will certainly flourish as never before.

We congratulate him on his appointment and the company on securing so efficient a man. Mr. Gardner who has made a great many friends during his sojourn with the company will, we understand, have charge of the bookkeeping department, a calling for which he is most peculiarly adapted.


Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 6 April 1900, page 1


The day opened with a light snowstorm, but buggies enabled the voters to get to the polls. 150 ballots went into the box. The results were as follows:

Montpelier-J S Barrett, mayor
H Douglas, clerk
J R Brennan, treasurer
R A Birch, engineer
W H Ridd, councilman 1st ward
J F O'Connor 2nd ward
William Hull, 3rd ward


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