James McKay Pugmire

Paris Post, Friday, 2 September 1910, page 1

On Sunday last James Pugmire, an old time resident of St Charles, took his own life. He placed a pistol in his mouth and dicharged it, death ensued instantly. The deceased had suffered many years from rheumatism and other physical ills and had been feeling greatly discouraged. He suffered for almost 20 years andfor the last 12 or 15 years having no use of his lower limbs. The deceased was one of the early settlers of this valley and was known and esteemed an as honest, industrious citizen.

The deceased was aged about 60 years and leaves a wife and r children, the latter ranging in age from 16 to 22 years. The funeral was held at St Charles Tuesday. A M Rich and Counselors John A Hunt and Ole Transtrum being the speakers.


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