Hermoine Hart

Paris Post, Friday, 17 July 1908, page 1

County School Superintendent Miss Hermoine Hart returned Friday from an extended visit in the East. She attended the National Educational Convention in Cleveland during the week beginning June 15th, and states that it was a most successful event, the many addresses and discussions being of an unusually interesting and profitable character.

Miss Hart was among those who worked so successfully for Denver, the next convention will be held. The young lady visited Niagar Falls and other points of interest. Miss Hart announces the county school examination will be held in Paris on August 27, 28 and 29.


Paris Post, Friday, 30 October 1908, page 5

Miss Hermoine Hart, the present efficient superintendent of schools of Bear Lake county, has fulfilled the exacting requirements of her responsible position with unsurpassed ability and fidelity. She is learned in all branches of education, having equipped herself for such a position as this by many years of study.

The people of this county appreciate capable work by a painstaking talented, industrious and courteous official and they will therefore re-elect Miss Hart to her present position on the third day of November.

Miss Hart is a native of this county, where she has lived most of her life. She is widely known, universally esteemed and will be elected unanimously, as she has no opposition.


Paris Post, Friday, 13 November 1908, page 1

For Supt. of Public Instruction: Hermoine Hart-Republican 1705
John H Miles-4
Abel S Rich-1
T J Smedley-1


Paris Post, Friday, 11 December 1908, page 1

County Superintendent Miss Hart visited the Emerson school Tuesday. It is expected the schools will adjourn for the holidays on Thursday, Dec 24.


Paris Post, Friday, 6 October 1911, page 1

It was sad news indeed that traveled to the most remote places in Bear Lake county last Sunday morning announcing the death of S Hermoine Hart Roberts. Hermoine, as she was so universally called was married to David Roberts of Bloomington last February and died of heart trouble at 8 am Sunday morning, October 1st. On September 13th a sweet little girl was born but only lived seven days. The little one only weighed two and one half pounds which was packed in cotton ad placed in a basket.

Early Sunday morning Dr. Hayward stepped into the room and Hermoine, who was setting up in bed, remarked in her cheerful manner, "Doctor what have you called for?" Because of her great love for her mother and loved ones, she remained cheerful until the very last. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H Hart and was born in Salt Lake City on the 18th day of July 1875. graduated at the A C College in Logan Utah in 1897 and received the degree of BS. During most of her time since, she has been teaching school in the various settlements in Bear Lake county. In 1906 she was elected Superintendent of Public Instruction and re-elected in 1908 and fulfilled the requirements of this responsibility with ability and fidelity.

The funeral services held in Bloomington Tuesday were beautiful and impressive. Pres. Joseph R Shepherd, W W Richards, Roy A Welker, O C Dunford and Mrs. Annie Laker were the speakers. Hermoine has returned back home, but her memory will always remain in the hearts of the citizens of Bear Lake County.


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