Bear Lake Eighth Grade Graduates

May 1921


The list was copied from the original Bear Lake Eighth Grade books, but it did not identify who did the copying.  A copy of this list is to be found at the Family History Center in Montpelier.


Allred, Lasca
Arnell, Vera A

Bacon, Merla
Bacon, Myron
Barkdull, Ralphene
Bartschi, Golden
Bateman, Lamons
Bee, Pearl
Berry, Gladys
Bischoff, Amelia
Bischoff, Margaret
Bird, Thelma
Boehme, Fred O
Brown, Blanche
Buchler, Elmer
Bunderson, Lester F
Burdick, Lloyd

Christensen, Loraine
Clayton, Andrew
Cleveland, Cornell
Collet, Farrell
Crane, William B

Fadden, Delfa
Findlay, Grant
Floyd, Alice
Floyd, Lois A

Hackbarth, Ernest
Haddock, Grove
Hansen, Phyllis L
Hart, Owen S
Hart, Ruth
Hayes, Ann
Hayes, Lillia
Hayes, Lillian
Herzog, Acel
Hill, Marvel
Hirschi, Alice
Hoff, Veneta
Howell, Millie
Howell, Rulon
Hymas, Blanch
Hymas, Douglas
Hymas, Elfonda
Hymas, Hazel

Jewett, Raymond

King, Erma
Kunz, Delmar I
Kunz, Delphin
Kunz, George S
Kunz, Joseph
Kunz, Wallace

Larsen, LaRue
Linford, Clifford
Lougee, Esther
Lougee, Ruth
Loveland, Don
Lyons, Phyllis

Mecham, Eugene
Merrill, Gladys
McMurtie, Lydia
McMurray, Ina
McQuary, Russel
Morgan, Stanley
Mourtsen, Fern
Munk, Lewis
Myers, Golda

Nate, Ruth
Nelson, Lillie
Nelson, Pearl
Nowland, George
Nowland, Oneta

Patterson, Della
Perkins, LaPreal
Price, Clifford
Poulsen, Marinda
Pugmire, Arvilla
Pugmire, Mabel

Rasmussen, Leo
Rich, Lorenzo P
Rich, Rolla
Richards, Helena
Roberts, Ezra

Scofield, Genevieve
Shepherd, Milford
Smedley, Gertrude
Somsen, Emily
Sparks, Don
Sparks, Emmett
Stock, Glenn
Stock, Owen
Sutton, Del

Thornock, Lea
Tippetts, Lillie
Tueller, Richard

Wallentine, Belle
Wallentine, Emily
Williams, Evan
Williams, Matthew
Wright, George
Wuthrich, Arthur
Wyler, Bertha

Zumbrunnen, Lillian


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