George Ezra Hulme

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Montpelier Examiner, Thursday, 31 January 1929, page 5


Ed C Rich, Chairman administrated the oath of office to the following county and precinct officers: G E Hulme as sheriff.

G E Hulme, Sheriff, appeared and asked for permission to appoint a deputy and that salary for same be fixed. Motion was made and seconded that the salary be fixed at $125.00 per month and upon vote the results were obtained.


Montpelier Examiner, Thursday, 30 January 1930, page 5

Chapter 148 of the 1928 session laws requires that every meat dealer register his name with the County Recorder and file a bond with the Probate Judge. In most cases the Constable of the precinct will take care of this work. Investigate and comply. G E HULME, Sheriff


George Ezra Hulme 1953 Obituary


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