Fielding Academy Notes
Fielding Academy
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 21 January 1910, page 8
Paris, Jan 20-The Fielding basketball team leave today for Pocatello, where they will play the Academy of Idaho and YMCA teams, this afternoon. Friday they will plat at Shelly. The boys are in splendid condition and they left here with the determination of winning all the games.
The debate between the Sophomores and Juniors will be held at the Second ward hall, January 26. Those who are to take part in the debate are working hard and the event promises to be an interesting one.
Miss Jenkins with her class in cooking, are now serving three course dinners every day and excellent service is given.
Montpelier Examiner, 11 November 1910
Fielding has indeed tested the statement: "The race is not to the swift, but to who endures to the end." Many years she has struggled, going little by little until now on every side success is smiling on her. It has indeed been only through the tireless, united efforts and diligence of the faculty, the encouragement of the board and occasional visits from Supt. Cummins, that it has reached this standard.
A visitor entering the academy will immediately hear the hum of the sewing machines, musical sounds from the studios, the thud of the hammer from the manual training department, smell the delicious dishes being prepared in the domestic science laboratory and the noxious gases from the chemical laboratory and upon entering the library find the students engaged in a studying; all giving the atmosphere such a feeling of energy and business that even the visitor himself wishes he had something to do.