Fielding High School


Fielding High School 1954

The Montpelier Examiner, 27 August 1942

Fielding High School will open its doors on September 14 for the 1942-43 school year.

The faculty, not yet complete, includes Superintendent W B Price, D C Rich, Weldon Grandy, Lawrell Jensen, N R Budge, Midlred Leonard, Virginia Thompson, Merinda Rebentisch, Catherine Romney and A F Cluff.

Mr. Grandy replaces A L Black who goes to Monticello Utah. Other new members on the Fielding staff are Mr. Cluff of Coalville Utah, replacing William Billeter, who goes to Salt Lake City and Miss Romney of Logan, replacing Beverly Deardorff, who resigned last year to take a position in a Salt Lake department store.


Paris Post, Thursday, 20 July 1950, page 1

Merinda Sparks, former teacher at Fielding has again returned to FHS, it was announced this week by Supt. Maurice Barnett. Merinda taught at Fielding for a number of years, prior to teaching in the Pocatello schools for the past two years. She will replace Mrs. Peter Skousen.

Miss Millard, Home Economics teacher, will not return; thus this position will remain open. Other faculty members include Dan C Rich, Weldon Grandy, Alfred Hart, Peter Skousen, Eugene Hart, Raymond Webb, Myrtle Richards and Supt. Barnett. School will open the fall term on Tuesday Sept. 5



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