Fielding Academy News
Montpelier Examiner, Friday, 21 November 1902, page 5
Recently we were greatly favored by a visit from Dr. J M Tanner, General Supt. of Church school; and on Monday of last week Pres. Joseph F Smith and party were with us. All expressed themselves as being greatly pleased in noting the growth and progress of the institution; and Dr. Tanner remarked that the Fielding Academy stands next to the three leading schools of the Church.
The enrollment of the school is now considerably above the 200 mark and it is almost certainly that this attendance will be increased by one third when the winter and Missionary courses begin on Monday next.
The Paris Post, Friday, 17 July 1908, page 3
The coming winter promises to be a most
successful one for the Fielding Academy. The academy opens on Monday Sep 14,
1908 and closes Friday, May 28, 1909. Following are the instructors for the
coming year: Ernest Bramwell, BAB Did. Principal; Psychology, Civies, Rhetoric.
Abel Sargent Rich, Secretary of the faculty; English
Legrande Rich Humphreys, Registrar; Mathematics, Physiographic, Physics.
Roy A Welker, Librarian, German, History, Pedagogy
Edward J Passey, Manual Training, Biology.
Lorenzo Sardoni, Director of Music: Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Vocal Music.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sardoni, Music: Piano, Organ.
Maria E Zundel, Matron, Domestic Arts.
Leala Bigler, Domestic Science, Botany
Beatrice Camp, Elocution, Drawing, Physical Culture, Training.
Jesse Rich, Winter Course.
The Paris Post, Friday, 17 July 1908, page 3
The coming winter promises to be a most
successful one for the Fielding Academy. The academy opens on Monday Sep 14,
1908 and closes Friday, May 28, 1909. Following are the instructors for the
coming year: Ernest Bramwell, BAB Did. Principal; Psychology, Civies, Rhetoric.
Abel Sargent Rich, Secretary of the faculty; English
Legrande Rich Humphreys, Registrar; Mathematics, Physiographic, Physics.
Roy A Welker, Librarian, German, History, Pedagogy
Edward J Passey, Manual Training, Biology.
Lorenzo Sardoni, Director of Music: Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Vocal Music.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sardoni, Music: Piano, Organ.
Maria E Zundel, Matron, Domestic Arts.
Leala Bigler, Domestic Science, Botany
Beatrice Camp, Elocution, Drawing, Physical Culture, Training.
Jesse Rich, Winter Course.
The Montpelier Examiner, 1 October 1909
A short student's meeting was held Monday morning and delegates were appointed to draw up a constitution for the school and present it for consideration of the student body.
The constitution will be acted on Thursday and an election for a student body organization will be held. It will be the most important event in the history of Fielding and will be a most exciting time. All are invited but only full fledged citizens may vote.
The Montpelier Examiner, 8 October 1909
There was a big day Wednesday at fair Fielding. The first student organization in the history of the institution took place. On Monday the members of the legislature were chosen as follows; seniors, Leona Rich and Calvert Allred; juniors, Edwin Spencer and Lina Olson; sophomores, Frances Findlay and Edna Crowthers; freshman, Ezra Kunz and Vienna Call; preps. Alice Budge and Ezra Stucki.
This legislature met and nominated men for the various offices in accordance with the laws of the constitution which had been adopted by the student body. On Wednesday morning the excitement began in real earnest. Men were placed at the entrance of chapel to hand the ballots to students as they came in. Tellers were appointed to collect the ballots and instructor Welker and Joe Pendrey called out the count.
Amid scenes of highest excitement the count was made and resulted as follows; president, David Rich, vice president, David Shepherd; secretary, Stella Pugmire; treasurer, Thomas Hood; bailiffs, Ed Crowther and Nina Welker; cheer master Hugh Findlay.
Paris Post, Friday, 25 January 1918, page 1
Joseph R Shepherd who has been president of the Board of Education for many years was the guest of honor at a program given in the auditorium Wednesday morning. A steamer trunk was presented to Brother Shepherd as a token of the love, respect and esteem in which he is held by the faculty and student body.