Esther Alice Marks

Bear Lake County News, Montpelier Idaho, Thursday, 5 Mar 1836, page 1


H B Whitman received a telegram from Hollywood, California, last Thursday, February 27, announcing the death of his niece, Mrs. George Marks. Esther Alice Underwood Marks, the youngest daughter of the late John L Underwood, was born in Montpelier, Idaho, December 19, 1886. She attended the Presbyterian Mission School and the public schools of Montpelier and the Collegiate College of Salt Lake. She was a talented musician and studied under Professor John J McClellan of Salt Lake.

She was well known to the entire community through her musical ability and as a clerk in the Post office, during the many years her father served as Postmaster. Miss Underwood was married to George E Marks, March 12, 1907. Mr. Marks was the assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Montpelier. They later moved to Salt Lake City where Mr. Marks was employed in the Tracy Loan & Trust Company and the Walker Bank. They moved to Hollywood about ten years ago where they have since resided.

Mrs. Marks has been in poor health for a number of years suffering from heart and kidney trouble. She is survived by one son, Boyd and her husband, George of Hollywood, her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Underwood and one sister, Mrs. Florence Eastman of Payette Idaho.

Funeral services were held in Hollywood Monday, March 2nd with many old Montpelier friends in attendence.


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