Dr. John Webster Langford



Information comes from Treasured Tidbits of Time Volume I by Jens Patrick Wilde


Perhaps the most popular and successful of the "natural doctors" was John Webster "Doc" Langford, who because of his willingness doubled as a dentist, doctor, veterinarian and undertaker.  The background of Langford's medical training remains a mystery, but his record of success is well documented in many of the family diaries throughout the valley.

Langford first settled in the Garden City area near where the Bridgerland Corporation is now.  He homesteaded there but within a year or two he moved on and is credited with building the first cabin in the Preston (Wardboro) area.  Doc Langford was seldom seen without his little black bag attached either to the buggy he was driving or across his saddle horn.  It was not an uncommon thing to see him extracting a tooth while the patient gripped the sides of the tailgate on his buggy.  Langford did a thriving business at church gatherings and conferences with his "on the spot" service.

His knowledge of human anatomy seemed to be well founded and he was quite successful in his diagnosis and treatment.  Today, the forceps he used are owned by his grandson, Duane Langford and have been loaned to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum in Montpelier.

Dr. John Webster Langford Obituary


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