The Bear Lake Democrat Newspaper


Transcribed, comments and submission by Larry D Christiansen, July 7, 2011


THE BEAR LAKE DEMOCRAT-The first newspaper published in Bear Lake County.

Detailed coverage of the first issue of October 23, 1880.

This earliest Bear Lake County newspaper was founded by Joseph C. Rich and James H. Hart, both attorneys in the county. Initially they were the co-editors of the paper until April 2, 1881, when Rich, as chief editor, retired from the position. Hart continued as editor for an additional two months when he was called by his church to go east to oversee the LDS immigration in May of 1881. George Osmond became the next editor and set the tone of the paper for a time. These editors fought an unceasing struggle with unfavorable charges and actions within the Territory of Idaho by the political powers and a very hostile press. They helped support a few early successes but were unable to contend against the real political power where their words carried little weight. They could only cry out unfair and unjust as most Mormons were disenfranchised from voting, and there were situation where Mormons were elected to county offices but not allowed to fulfill their positions due to political trickery. Besides the struggle of defending local mores, their faith and most of their readers, they sometimes were the medium used to express ticklish matters such as the upkeep of fences, the contentious sheep issues, the disagreements of cutting wood in the mountains and even the concern over the decade old Bear Lake monster stories.

The Bear Lake Democrat was a weekly edition published every Saturday and consisted of four pages. These were in a set with the front page and last page on front side of sheet with the inside arranged to be page two and three, and when this single sheet was folded in half, it comprised the issued newspaper with the sequence of pages in numerical order from front page through the end at page four. It was like three-quarters of the weekly newspapers printed in the country up to the early years of the twentieth century; it was a "patent" (outside or inside) weekly also known as a cooperative newspaper. Therefore, the cooperative newspaper at some other location agreed to print a part of the newspaper with some blank pages which were shipped to the local newspaper publisher. In this case the Democrat was a "patent outside" newspaper wherein the outside pages (front page and page four) were set and printed by the cooperative and included the masthead or title and date of the local paper. Thus, on the front page and page four there would be no local news or announcements. These two pages had a mixture of general news with no specific or current events of the nation along with miscellany of stories ranging from humorous to hints on the home, farming and cooking recipes. Covering with a generic light touch items of some interest without specific currents events so they could be used without much consideration for place and date used. Examples of this from The Bear Lake Democrat’s front and back pages during the period from October 1880 through the last day of December of 1881 wherein the front and back pages of the newspaper included such things as: "Opium-Smoking in California," "Portuguese Shepherds," a "Bald-Headed Swindle" in Milwaukee, "The Mosquito in England," "Crazy Visitors at the White House," or information that "Mr. James Russell Lowell is said to be collecting materials for a memoir of Hawthorne." In addition there was news concerning the chief editor of a certain newspaper, the latest comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, along with the activities of actor Edwin Booth, the doings of author Mark Twain, poet Longfellow and Mr. Emerson. Possible the closest they came to a current event was an article relating to the use of native Americans as "Indian scouts" by the U.S. Army in trying to curtail the raiding of Apaches who had left the reservations in the southwest. However, this was up-to-date, and this had been going on for some time and would continue for another five years.

Occasionally there was material that was harsh and uncompromising about some unpopular group of activity that would not have been in some of the weeklies if they were totally home-set and printed. Due to this, the Deseret News in August of 1881 made a very severe judgment on the Democrat, which the latter took sharp issue with, thinking they had been stabbed in the back—"The Deseret News mingles . . . editors of patent weeklies and associated press reporters, all together in one chaotic and ridiculous heap. And must we endure all this!"

The cooperative publishers functioned to give the small local newspapers more breadth and depth than they could do on their own. The number of ordered partially printed copies was shipped to the local newspaper where the local newspaper took the blank pages (pages two and three) to finalize the printing of the newspaper for its readers. The local newspaper filled the blank pages with local news, whatever national news or current events deemed appropriate, editorial pieces, announcements, letters to the editor, local advertisements, legal notices, etc.

By this cooperative arrangement the local newspaper was able to offer to their readers a larger, most appealing and acceptable newspaper, and at a much less expensive charge than would have been possible if the newspaper had been home-set and printed all at the local level. The cooperative newspaper publisher obtained its profit from a slight charge for the partially printed newspaper and from the general advertisement that appeared on page four. Their "outside patent" results were not designed to be high-grade matter but more a generic or general circulation for the average reader who sought quantity more than quality. On the local level, their two pages were filled with the items intended for the resident readers from local events, people, beliefs with some material from other newspapers, comments from readers, and material from the wire service, the Associated Press. An early assessment of this paper was given by an antagonist competitor published at Boise the Idaho Statesman which wrote: "THE BEAR LAKE DEMOCRAT.--This is the title of the Mormon sheet . . . published at Paris, in Bear Lake county . . . and edited by J. C. Rich and Jas. H. Hart . . . . The "Democrat" in its general make-up compares favorably with other papers published in the interior. It presents a neat typographical appearance both as regards its "patent outside" and the homemade inside; the whole being devoted to what is assumed to be the interests of the Latter-day Saints settled in Bear Lake County, all of whom are Democrats, and to rendering to the Almighty what little assistance he needs in promoting the advancement and securing the final triumph of Mormonism and the Democratic party." (The Bear Lake Democrat, Jan. 8, 1881.)

The usual listing of early newspapers from Bear Lake County cites the following:

The Bear Lake Democrat (Paris, Id.) 1880 -1885
Southern Idaho Independent (Paris, Id.) 1885 -1892
The Post (Paris, Id.) 1892 -1908
Montpelier Examiner (Montpelier, ID) 1896 - 1937
The Paris Post (Paris, Id.) - 1908-1939
Bear Lake County News (Montpelier, Id.) 1922 -1937

What follows below is a transcription of most of the first issue of The Bear Lake Democrat, Bear Lake County’s first newspaper printed in the county. The new newspaper stated its goals and objectives in its initial issue, advising potential readers of what they would have to offer the public. It stated there was another fledgling weekly, the Enterprise, published in a nearby county that was trying to expand into Bear Lake County. The Democrat quoted the Enterprise and usually adversely commented on its printed statements. In the end they offered to compose that sheets’ news and print it upon their press better and more efficiently with their superior equipment —"on which we can print ONE-HORSE newspapers like the Enterprise." Possibly this reflects the Enterprise was an inferior and possibly more like a news-sheet than a real newspaper. Whatever the case, the two papers didn’t like each other and waged a war of words for some time.

The Bear Lake Democrat comprised eight columns of print per page with four pages per issue. Below, all articles from the paper’s initial issue will be mentioned and with most transcribed and a few articles, with little local interest, and most advertisements covered by title with a brief summation of content. The coverage of content will be from top to bottom on the columns and moving from left to right across each page and sometimes referenced to column number. Newspaper items will be in regular text with transcriber’s notations and comments in capitals underlined, within brackets ([ ]) or in italics.

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L. O. Littlefield, Publisher "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Bear Lake
Printing Co., Proprietors.
Volume 1. Paris, Bear Lake County, Idaho Territory, Saturday, October 23, 1880. Number 1.


(1st col.- ) Look up, Not Down.
Life to some is full of sorrow--
Half is real, half they borrow;
Full of rocks and full of ledges,
Corners sharp and cutting edges,
Though the joy bells may be ringing,
Not a song you'll hear them singing;
Seeing never makes them wise,
Looking out from downcast eyes.
All In vain the sun is shining,
Water sparkling, blossoms twinning;
They but see through these same sorrows
Sad to-days and worse to-morrow;
See the clouds that must pass over;
See the weeds among the clover--
Everything and anything
But the gold the sunbeams bring.
Drinking from the bitter fountain.
Lo! your mole-hill seems a mountain.
Drops of dew and drops of rain
Swell into the mighty main,
All in vain the blessings shower,
And the mercies fail with power,
Gathering chaff, ye tread the wheat,
Rich and royal, 'neath your feet.
Let it not be so, my neighbor;
Look up, as you love and labor,
Not for one along woe's vials;
Every one has cares and trails,
Joy and pain are linked together,
Like the fair and cloudy weather.
May we have, oh, let us pray,
Faith and patience for to-day. --
The Advance.

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"The Mystery of Fires." (Noting that spontaneous combustion was the prime cause with some examples. Remainder of 1st col. and half of 2nd col.)

(2nd col.-) "Ideal Journalism" citing an example from a Boston paper.

"Love in old Age" - reprint of article from N. Y. Sun.

(3rd col.-) "A Love Passage From the Life of Mark Twain." from Virginia (Nev.) Enterprise.

"What Becomes of All the Pins." story from N. Y. Graphic.

(4th col.)  "Facts and Figures." – Miscellaneous items for various places.

"Conscientious Workers" article from the Scientific American. (finished 4th /5th col.

(5th col.) "Seven Sisters and Two Brothers." from Boston Transcript.


"Wit and Wisdom." Short quotes from several newspapers.

(Short filler about the latest discovery of the lost tribes by a Russian traveler and journalist in the Caucasus Mtn.)

(7th col.) "YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT." (Long story "How Ted and Kitty Camped Out"-about a girl (age 8) and boy (age 7) camping experience that comprising all of col. 7 & 8 from Emily H. Leland, in Harper's Young People.


(1st col.)-The Bear Lake Democrat, Published every Saturday. Paris, Bear Lake County, Idaho, October 23, 1880.

J. C. Rich and J. H. Hart, Editors

F Entered at the Post Office at Paris, Idaho Territory, as second Class Matter.
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For President of the United States: GEN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, of Pennsylvania.
For Vice President: William H. English, of Indiana.
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For Delegate to Congress: Hon. George Ainslie.
For District Attorney Third Judicial District: William Crawford.
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Bear Lake County Democratic Ticket.

For Representatives: J. H. HART, J. C. RICH.
For Sheriff-C. WALLANTINE.
For Treasurer-J. H. STUCKI.
For Assessor-R. B. HUNT.
For Probate Judge-GEORGE OSMOND.
For Auditor and Recorder-J. C. RICH.

For County Commissioners:

For Surveyor-E. N. AUSTIN.
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Paris Precinct.

For Justice of the Peace-J. C. STUCKI.
For Constable-JOHN WELKER.
St. Charles Precinct.
For Justice of the Peace-L. B . HUNT.
For Constable-SWAN ARNELL.

Montpelier Precinct.

For Justice of the Peace-DAVID OSBORNE.
For Constable-JOHN BAGLEY.
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Members at Large-J. H. McCarty, Jas. H. Hawley, Jas. I. Crutcher, S. B. Dilley, M. G. Luney, Charles Himrod, Wm. H. Homer.

One member for each county as follows:

Ada County-T. D. Cahalan.
Alturas County-V. S. Anderson.
Boise County-E. A. Stevenson.
Bear Lake County-J. C. Rich.
Cassia County-Charles Cobb.
Idaho County-C. W. Case.
Lemhi County-J. K. Faller.
Oneida County-Wm. F. Fisher.
Owyhee County-G. W. Hill.
Nez Perce-C. G. Kress.
Shoshone County-Robt. Yantis.
Washington County-F. M. Mickey.
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Governor-John B. Neil.
Secretary-R. A. Sidebotham.
Surveyor Gen'l-W. H. Chandler.
Chief Justice-John T. Morgan.
Associate Justice, 1st Dist.-Norman Buck.
" " , 2nd "-H. E. Prickett.
United States Marshal-E. S. Chase.
Clerk First District-B. Squier.
" 2nd "-A. L. Richardsen.
" 3rd "-W. B. Thews.

The three Judges, in pursuance of law, meet annually at Boise City, on the first Monday in each year, and constitute the Supreme Court of the Territory, at which time also they designate the Judicial Districts, and the times and places of holding court in each for the ensuring year. A. L. Richardsen is Clerk of the Supreme Court.
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Register-C. B. Fox.
Receiver-T. F. Singiser.
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Delegate in Congress-George Ainsile.
Treasurer-John Huntoon.
Controller-Joseph Perrualt.
District Attorney 1st Dist.-J. W. Poe.
" " 2nd "-J. W. Hawley.
" " 3rd "-W. Crawford.
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County Commissioners-C. C. Rich,
C. E. Robesen,
W. L. Rich.
Probate Judge-Geo. Osmond.
Sheriff-C. Wallantine.
Treasurer-J. U. Stucki.
Assessor-L. B. Hunt.
Recorder-J. C. Rich.
Surveyor-E. N. Austin.
Coroner-Leonard Floyd.
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Justice of the Peace-J. U. Stucki.
Constable-John Welker.
Postmaster-Walter Hoge.
School Trustees, 1st Dist: J. A. Sutten, J. U. Stucki, H. Duffin.
" " , 2nd " Geo. Passey, T. J. Smedley, Jas. Athay.
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(At the bottom of 1st Col.)-REPUBLICAN CALL.

All the Republicans of Bear Lake county are hereby notified to call at the office of H. S. Woolley on Wednesday the 27th day of Oct. 1880 at 10 a.m. to transact business pertaining to the Republican cause of Bear Lake county. E. F. SHAFFER, Chairman.
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(2nd col.)-SALUTATORY.

In the revolution of human events, it devolves on us to make our Editorial Introduction to the people of Bear Lake County, and South Eastern Idaho, in particular and the rest of Mankind in general. We approach the responsible task with some degree of diffidence and anxiety, knowing how difficult and laborious must be the life of a successful journalist. We hope however to find patrons in all sections of the Rocky Mountains, and that the BEAR LAKE DEMOCRAT will be a welcome companion at every fire side where it many chance to come. The people of this section have long felt the need of a local exponent of their political and religious sentiments; and we shall endeavor to supply the link in the great journalistic chain. And we modestly opine that with the aid of Noah Webster the faber and the printer, with contribution from our lead and foreign correspondents, that we shall make our journal the most interesting and most reliable Newspaper in the great West.

The DEMOCRAT will be a fearless advocate of rights of men irrespective of political or religious creeds: Indian, Moslem, Greek or Jew will all find in us a friend and advocate whenever and by whomsoever their rights may be assailed. Infidel and Pagan, worshiper of God or Dagon, may all find protection under our banner, and with our people. And the Ladies--God bless them--we may define their rights and liberties from time to time; and assign them a choice corner of our journal where they may set forth their sublime and holy mission.

We are as our name implies, democratic in politics; but we are cosmopolitan in all that constitutes human progress. We shall defend the democratic party in whatever we consider right; but we shall be outspoken in every act we may consider wrong. We do not admire and we shall not advocate the doubtful beauty of a territorial organization; but whilst deprecating the semi-vassalage of the people of the territory, and making the best we can of the situation, we shall advocate full citizenship and equal rights and privileges to all citizens of our common country, whether they be found in the States or in the Territories.

It will be our Editorial policy to discountenance litigation as far as practicable. We shall recommend arbitration, or such other unexpensive [sic- inexpensive] courts that may be available, in all difficulties growing out of civil contracts written or implied; but, in cases of misdemeanor and all other criminal offenses, we shall advocate the strong arm of the law as the only remedy.

We shall defend the Constitutional right of every man to worship as he may please, and will suffer no man or set of men to trample upon these rights with impunity. We hold that religious faith and the free exercise thereof are sacred things and pertain exclusively to the intelligent believer and his Creator; and so long as other's rights are not abbreviated by their practice, we shall defend their exercise in such way and manner as may be agreeable to the law.

We asked no favors of the Hireling Clergy nor from a subsidized press . . . (part of two lines illegible) the so called iniqities [sic – iniquities] of the Mormons. Corrupt politicians and men of the baser sort will join in chorus and use every dishonorable means to check a power they can neither understand nor control; all we ask of friend or foe is fair play and equal rights in the great battle of life; our morals politics and religion are all right, and will take care of themselves. The paucity of crime among us, is already a noticeable feature--murders, burglaries and other crimes are exceptional phases and rarely occur within our borders. Our locals will therefore be prosaic or humorous, as their respective signs may predominate.

The DEMOCRAT will be devoted to religion, politics, agriculture, science, and literature; and will present abbreviated, the news of the world. Should we fail in our first efforts, to attain the acme of journalism, we hope our friends will grant us such immunities as are accorded to provincials. We hope however, with the indulgence and support of our patrons the criticisms of our cotemporaries, and our own rank amongst the foremost moral, religious, and political reformers of the age, and be known as a fearless defender, of the rights and liberties of all classes of our fellow citizens.
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Our present efficient delegate in Congress is just now receiving the attention of the Republican press of the Territory, who are abusing him without stint, and all because he received the Mormon vote in Oneida and Bear Lake and is liable to get it again. Before his re-nomination these same papers were praising him to the skies, and they only abuse him now to see if their side can catch a few votes. After the election and it is announced that he is again elected, you will see these same papers praising him with the same zeal as of yore, and hunting after him for favors. Blessed are the persecuted, George, for they shall obtain a solid vote in Bear Lake County and a heavy majority elsewhere.
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The entire first issue of six hundred copies of the BEAR LAKE DEMOCRAT will be sent broadcast through the country to our friends, or as many of them as we are able to ascertain their address. We hope the paper will be acceptable to them, and that they will immediately address us with their subscriptions for twelve months.

We have used much energy to get a paper established; and now that we have made a commencement we hop our efforts will be appreciated by the entire community, and that they will consider the DEMOCRAT a necessary auxiliary to our growing interests and the palladium of equal rights and liberty.

Printing a newspaper is an expensive business. We hope our friends will now rally to our aid and send us as soon as possible the amount of subscription which will be three dollars per annum. Also, let those doing business of any kind remember that printer's ink will unlock the doors of success and prosperity for you better and quicker than any other means you can employ. Send on your advertisements and try it.
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The "Boise Republican" tried and found guilty of falsehood in the first degree! How three "Mormons" did not surround, capture and gobble up thirty-two non-"Mormon" delegates in the last Territorial Convention!

The late number of the Boise Republican contains an editorial concerning the Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon, one Bishop Hart, Hon. Geo. Ainslie and the "Mormons.' Opining that our readers may be interested with the utterances of our very grave friend, commonly known as "The Sage Brush Philosopher," we reproduce the first paragraph in extenso: "Bishop Hart, who was a member of the Democratic Territorial Convention from Bear Lake County, said, while here, "Our people wished to support Thomas Cahalan for delegate to Congress but we received instructions at the very last from Cannon to vote for George Ainslie." We may not have quoted Hart's exact words VERBATIM ET LITERATIM, but he did use the language of like import. There is no doubt but Cahalan received encouragement from the people of Oneida and Bear Lake Counties. The PEOPLE's choice was T. D. Cahalan, but the temporal head of the Mormon Church in Utah decreed otherwise."

Now every body knows that Mr. Hart is not a Bishop; never has been a Bishop and is not even the son of a Bishop; yet having been a member of the Democratic Territorial Convention from Bear Lake Country, Mr. Hart no doubt is the person arraigned at Father Bacon's tribunal. Some one has said that "a lie can travel round the world, whilst truth is putting his Boots on. "Our "Stalwart" published the above some weeks ago, whereas his sturdy followers has but just got booted. It is a well known legal maxim that secondary evidence is inadmissible and should be rejected, whenever primary evidence can be obtained. And whereas Mr. Hart as the first person quoted by Friend Bacon, and accredited with saying thing he never uttered, and which he emphatically denies, Bacon's ipse dixit must therefore go to the dogs. Now it never entered Mr. Hart's mind that the people of Bear Lake and Oneida wanted Mr. T. D. Cahalan for a delegate until so informed by our Sage Philosopher. And we venture to say, with no fear of successful contradiction, that there are not a dozen men in either county who know the gentleman, or who have any preference for him over any other candidate. And so far from saying that our people wanted to support Thomas Calahan for Delegate but received instructions at the very last to vote for Ainslie; to speak mildly it is false in every particular.

When the old sinner made this false statement it would seem that his conscience condemned him, for he said "we may not have quoted Hart's exact words, verbatim et lib ertim, but he did use language of like import.' You are still wrong Brother Bacon, you are still economizing the truth too much for your own good. Make a clean breast of it old fellow, for you can never go to Heaven whilst that is in you.

It is possible that the Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon may have answered some letters of enquiry concerning Mr. Ainslie, and may have given the Honorable Gentleman such testimonial as his congressional labors have merited. The Hon. Martin Maginnis of Montana has done the same. Senators and Representatives in Congress have also endorse him in their correspondence as honorable, faithful and true.

Would any reasonable person conclude, because these gentlemen have eulogized the Hon. George Ainslie, that they necessarily want to run the Territory. But however absurd the above conclusion might be, it is not less so, than poor Bacon’s logic. Will Milton Kelly or Goulder please fan the old Gentleman whilst he reads the following encomiums written by a member of the 10th Legislative Assembly.

"Hon. George Ainslie, the Democratic nominee for delegate in Congress for the Territory of Idaho, is one of the hardy pioneers of the Western coast, and one of the earliest settlers of the Territory. He has graduated through many positions of honor and trust, and his constituents have shown their appreciation by denominating him to the highest office in the gift of the Territory. He has proved himself a good citizen, a sound lawyer, a brave patriot, a sterling Democrat and a prudent statesman. He is known by his many friends as a gentleman by birth, intellect and education. As a boy among the boys, a man among men, a counselor among jurists, a leader in legislative assemblies, and a peer among congressional delegates, he had fairly won their respect and confidence as well as that of the people of Idaho, and his election will be sure."

Bacon says the gentleman above described is "Geo. Q. Cannon's Delegate," If so we must certainly give the honorable gentleman credit for choosing a man of brains and intellect; which is more than we could say of certain pseudo philosophers and wise acres of the Republican persuasion. But before conceding this honor to the Hon. G. Q. Cannon, according to Bacon's logic, we would like him to tell us whose delegate the Hon. George Ainslie was during the last two years? for not one of Mr. Cannon's friends voted for him in the convention where he received his first nominating. Among the delegates to the last Democratic Territorial Convention was an ex-member of Congress, several Sheriffs of Counties, an ex-member of the California Legislature, the President of the Boise National Bank, two of our Territorial Prosecuting Attornies [sic-Attorneys] and several other gentlemen of equal caliber numbering thirty-two, whilst Mr. Cannon's friends from Bear Lake and Oneida number twelve, and only three of them in the convention, and how these three delegates surrounded, captured and got away with the thirty two would be highly amusing if Bacon would only rise and explain. And not him tell how one small Cannon silence and spiked all those big guns. It is well known that each and every vote in the last Convention was cast for the Hon. George Ainslie, who is undoubtedly the peoples choice, Bacon to the contrary notwithstanding. But let us throw the mantle gently over him, for his is aged and forlorn; his right bower has departed, and

gone where the woodbine climeth. He is no doubt a good Republican, but he had just heard from Maine, and it made him nervous, billious [sic–bilious] and mad with his best friends, and in his last frenzy made the following incoherent utterances:--"Monster Incroachment [sic- encroachment]! State Oligarchy! Counterfeit Theocracy! Priestly Dictation! Polygamous Priesthood! Hurl back the intruder! Our freedom surely lies at stake, and we must fight or lose it.!" We would simply say, "Lay on Mr. Duff and, d___d be he who first cries hold enough." But we must drop the curtain over our poor friend, and hope when he next steps into the arena, he will fight with more honorable weapons, and for a better cause.
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The election which takes place on the 2nd of next month, is fraught with more than ordinary interest to the people of Bear Lake and Oneida Counties in particular, for reasons we will endeavor to explain.

Every one knowing anything about Bear Lake, knows there is no danger but what the Democratic Ticket will be elected almost if not quite unanimously, but there are other interes's [sic-interest's] connected with the ticket that must be looked after and guarded as well as the local county ticket.

In connection with it are the interests of the Delegateship and District Attorney for the Third District, two positions that the Democrats of the Territory and District cannot ignore without laying themselves liable to an inconvenience and deprived of rights which in the end would result seriously to their disadvantage. Suppose for instance that by posting a full vote Bear Lake could legitimately cast 500 votes but through a lack of interest being taken by the voters, and a feeling on their part that the Democratic Ticket was safe of election, there should be but 200 or 300 votes cast. Cannot every voter understand that the loss of these votes might possibly result in the defeat of these candidates. For this reason every voter should make it a tax on his time to go to the polls and see that his vote is cast for the parties he may select, and by so doing he will at least know he has done his duty to himself and the party he wishes to perpetuate, in power.

In Oneida County the reasons above stated apply with more force possible than in Bear Lake. There they have had the experience of being repeatedly and systematically defrauded out of their rights and liberties for ten or twelve years. They have seen their candidates duly elected and then denied the right of exercising any of the functions of the offices. They have seen the public funds of the county recklessly squandered and the school funds in many districts, stolen outright and not any redress could be obtained while the rascally perpetrators of felony and fraud, who by every known rule of law and justice should be in the penitentary [sic-penitentiary], walking the streets in the best of stolen clothes and snapping their fingers at the honest portion of the community whose ballots they had burned before being counted or substituted fraudulent ones in their place.

Do not the people of Oneida and Bear Lake remember distinctly when they had a Deputy District Attorney of the Republican party in their midst, and how if they happened to be, ignorantly, behind a few days in the payment of their taxes the Sheriff came for them, and in almost every case the costs amounted to ten times the amount of the tax, and should the delinquent fail to have the cash ready it was collected by distrait at an additional and heavy loss to the unfortunate party, who had been swindled out of his suffrage by the same party then his persecutors. Let all the voters of Bear Lake and Oneida see to it that they cast their votes on election day for George Ainslie Delegate, and Willard Crawford, for District Attorney, and thus insure an election of their friends.
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Of the Ohio and Indiana elections we have nothing to say' we don't know anything about it, we don't care anything about it, neither does anybody else.
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(5th col.)-OBITUARY

Dedicated to the memory of the late Bishop Pugmire, of St. Charles.

During the period this Journal was in prospective, one of its friends and supporters, Bishop; Jonathan Pugmire, of St. Charles, has paid the last debt of nature, and has learned from actual experience, the great secret of immortality. He died September the 20th 1880. Deceased had become a veteran among the Latter-day Saints; he was interested in all their interests, participated in all their sorrows, rejoiced in all their hope, exulting in their prosperity, and confidently assured of their final triumph over all their enemies through our Lord Jesus Christ. At the sudden fiat of the Almighty, he has departed on his immortal mission, with a sure and certain hope of a resurrection to eternal life. He has left behind him a bright and honorable record, with a name fame that will be imperishable among the people of God, while eternity goes and eternity comes.

We sincerely regret the dispensation of Divine Providence that has so suddenly deprived us of a true and valuable friend; his wives and children, of a good husband and kind father, a generous provider and a faithful protecter [sic-protector]. His numerous friends and the stranger passing his borders, will lose a kind hearted and beneficent host, whose profuse hospitality was ever noticeable. His obituary has already appeared in the "Deseret News," written by his esteemed friend Andrew Galaway. We shall not therefore enter into details of his life and history, nor the particulars of his unlooked for and sudden death; but we simply make the mention of our friend and brother, that his faithful labors as an Elder of Israel, and his generous deeds as a fellow citizen may be recorded in the first Journal published in the county where he has made his home during the last sixteen years.

There may be more true and generous friends than our deceased brother, if so, we do not know them. There may be men more faithful to God and to his people, men who would suffer more for the cause of truth than he, would suffer, men that more respected and loved by wives, children and friends, but if so, we do not know them. There may be more generous and devoted followers of Apostles and Prophets through evil and through good report; if so, se do not know them. We do not claim perfection for our deceased brother, by any means, but we do claim for him those noble qualities of heart and soul that constitutes a true, brave, and honest man, of whom his family and friends may be justly proud; and in whom the Lord and his co-workers must be well pleased.

Therefore a few left of the noble five hundred, who with our deceased brother, shouldered their muskets and traveled thousands of miles on foot into Mexican territory, to fight the battles of a government that would not protect their wives, children, and their friends. Those few may know more of his sufferings and endurance during those weary months than we do. There are others who know more of his kind hearted deeds, of his generous spirit, and devoted soul, than we do; but we yield precedence to none in the respect, affection, and honor the memory of our fellow laborer, our brother and our friend. We have associated with him in business circles; in political assemblies; in theological schools; in private councils, and in public conferences. He has been closely identified with out missionary travels, and our public teachings, in which capacity he was ever prompt and energetic. We have met him in holy places where he has received ordinations and blessing greater than which, none have received; which has formed a cord of sympathy, and cemented a bond of union that will doubtless remain when time shall be ____ (few words illegible).

We condole with his immediate friends in their irreparable loss, and commend them to the kind protecting care of Him who claims to be the Father to the fatherless, and the husband of the widow.

We have been permitted to publish a letter written to our deceased brother by Niels Wilhelmson, President of the Scandinavian mission, with which many of our readers will be interested, which will appear in our next issue.
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--Observations were suspended at the Naval Observatory on Wednesday night. The sky was clear and the stars shoned brightly, but as Prof. Newcomb swung the big telescope around on Jupiter he could see nothing but $329 encircles by a number of beautiful rings. Before the stars could be cleaned and dried the lateness of the hour rendered further research among the stars impracticable.

--A correspondent assures us that a man in a boarding house on East Tenth street wagered $329 that he could walk 329 miles in 329 consecutive hours. He won the stakes. While walking he ate 329 hard boiled eggs, 329 pigs' feet, 329 doughnuts, 329 apples, and 329 pounds of cheese, and drank 329 glasses of beer. The receipts were $329, and he had 329 blisters on his feet at the finish. . . .

(A continued long partisan spoof on the Republicans centering on the number 329 and which ended as follows:)

--When New York gamins meet each other on the street corners thay [sic-they] shout "329!"

--A horse owned by a prominent Republican of Paterson shied at sight of the figures on a pork barrel yesterday after noon.
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An old lady with several unmarried daughters feeds them on fish diet, because it is rich in phosphorous, and phosphorous is the essential thing in making matches.

While a Leadsville lawyer was cross-examining a woman who was on the witness stand last week, she exclaimed: "I'm a lady, and by thunder don't you forget it."
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(Col. 6)-The Seven Wonders of the World!

The Great Exhibition in the World!

FIRST,--The pyramid of Gizah--the prophetic pyramid of the age--symbolizing the history of the world from the creation to the end.
SECOND,--Showing the inside of the Great Pyramid together with its wonderful passages and chambers.
THIRD,--The City of Babylon together with its wonderful hanging gardens and immense wall 350 ft. high, with its huge brass gates; the wonder of the world.
FOURTH,--There was a fourth wonder but we never saw it.
FIFTH,--The Tempe of Diana arrayed in gold, and all the balance of the fixtures too numerous to mention.
SIXTH,--The celebrated Lighthouse of Ptolemy, built by PTOLEMY SOTER,--a magnificent and splendid building as will be seen by the viewers.
SEVENTH,--The Coliseum of Rome, the grand arena of butchery and murdery, as practiced in the moral days of Rome; and made a field of battle by its admirers; built by Vespacian--who was dishonored by his subjects, and convicted by the world as a first-class murderer.
EIGHTH,--The Colosus of Rhodes--a great __ [illegible], that had no business to be there or any where else on earth.

NINTH,--THE GREATEST WONDER OF ALL is, that we got in without paying a cent. The entertainment will be interspersed with clog dances and songs which are highly entertaining.

F This most instructive and entertaining exhibition of historical paintings, with explanatory lectures, will be exhibited this evening as well as Monday evening next, in the school room in this city. All who desire a great mental treat as well as an amusing entertainment, don't fail to put in an appearance. Price of admittance, for adults 25 cents; children half price.
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(An article from the Silver Reef Miner concerning the discharge of a man accused of killing an old lady at Rockville, Utah in southern Utah.)
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The Fashionable Girls.

The thoroughly fashionable girl looks as if she had stepped our of a picture painted in the middle of last century. She droops her shoulders, represses her bosom, and humps her back until she is interestingly shaped like a consumptive in the last stages next preceding death. Her shoulder blades show like rudimentary wings through the thin muslin of her white dress, and her hair is arranged with angelic simplicity. Over her shoulders and chest is a fichu like the neckerchief familiar in the standard portrait of Martha Washington. Her skirt is gathered in at the waist, and hangs as straight and plain as an old-fashioned petticoat to within six inches of the ground. The only suggestion of modern earthliness is the glimpse of gay stockings underneath.
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(An unbecoming cartoon picture of heavily bearded man in top hat walking and carrying a sign reading "minister smith republican candidate for delegate to congress.")

F We give above the best cut that we can get of the Hon. Alanson Smith--the Republican nominee for Delegate in Congress. We hope our friends will be easy with us, as our photographic apparatus doesn't work exactly right. Try and get it agoing right next time.
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PARIS - - - - - IDAHO


F Collections promptly attended to. Business will always receive attention.

F W. N. B . Shepherd. Assistant in constant attendance at the Office. Give us a call.
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(Col. 7th/8th)-SCHWATKA'S SEARCH.

(A lengthy two column account about the futile search for the grave of Artic explorer Sir John Franklin in the region of North Hudson Bay which including a native woman's story from a report dated August 1, 1880. With a "To be continued" as the end.)
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(The following three short fillers before finishing page two.)

A man having announced that he was once in a community where they all minded their own business, his statement was doubted, and he was called upon to tell where it was. "It was on board a ship, at sea," he said, "and the passengers were all too sick to meddle with one another's affairs.
Patience is something that every other person should possess.
Hard workers are usually honest. Industry lifts them above temptations.
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INDULENCE.--We are sorry to be under the necessity of asking indulgence of several of our advertising patrons. We have ingloriously reveled in Pt; not such as wives, mothers, sisters and sweethearts make; but the real heterogeneous, conglomerate, "mixed and mingled together" variety; the veritable, ostensible printer's Pt. We have labored hard for twenty-three days to overcome this obstacle and be able to meet the expectations of all; but we cannot do impossibilities.

The new and large font of type we ordered from the Deseret News Office foundry--to be used in our editorial columns--will be used for our next issue, when we hope to be prepared in every essential particular to give satisfaction to all, especially our advertising friends, whose favors will then be given to the public.

We find ourselves with as much of our material as we are obliged to use, in a small room which we shall have to use for the present; but we have in course of erection a printing office building of ample dimensions to accommodate us with both of our excellent presses and abundant material for the paper and Job Office. When this is completed we shall be more comfortable and be able to supply subscribers with a paper having less mechanical defects. No use making too many promises in advance; energy and close application to business is our programme; and when our paper is better established and our abundant first class material fully brought in use, we shall look confidently to a generous public for a favorable verdict.
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WHAT WE HAVE--In connection with a first-class Printing Office for the BEAR LAKE DEMOCRAT, we have a first-class JOB OFFICE, complete; on which we can print ONE-HORSE newspapers like the Enterprise, and time enough also to compose their matter, which we will do at regular advertising rates; and guarantee if we select and compose the matter, their subscription rolls will be increased at least 231 per cent.

Additional, we have roller moulds complete from 300 calibre, down to the calibre of the soul of the editor of the Enterprise, which is a caliber too little for the mathematical calculations of the astronomers and mathematicians of the present day to calculate, and will furnish our brother printers on shortest notice, subject in prince only to the market rates of glue, glycerine [sic-glycerin] and molasses.
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GOV. NEIL.--The "Salt Lake Tribune" contains a lengthy interview with Gov. Neil about the charges made against the Governor, in connection with the recent appointment of members of the Legislature, and his course in running two Federal positions at the same time. Of the former he denies any wrong or intention of wrong on his part or any connivance with the Boise City Ring, and of the latter, says his name was used in Salt Lake as Register of the Land Office without his knowledge or consent. The "Blackfoot Register" has warmed up the Governor exceedingly on his course, and lays the charge that he was indirectly the cause of Oneida County being defrauded out of one represent-ative. We think ourselves, that Oneida was wronged in the count, but would just here remark that is Mr. Birdsey, a Democrat, had voted with the Governor, Oneida would have received her just due. If our memory is not at fault this is not the first instance on record that Nr. Birdsey's vote has defrauded Oneida County.
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MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT.--On Saturday evening last, the 2nd Ward Y.M.M.I.A. of this town, held their first meeting for the winter season. Bp. Price and Supt H. S. Woolley being present, an election of officers took place. The brethren who held office during the past year were unanimously re-elected, as follows: President - W. N. B. Shepherd; 1st Counselor - Thomas Minson; 2nd Counselor - Edgar Lindsay; Secretary - Orson Pendry; Treasurer - Henry Athay.
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The "Enterprise" of a recent date advises the Republicans of Bear Lake County to organize themselves and do their level best for the party at the coming election. That's right. We believe the Republicans of this county has organized himself into a committee of one and has taken a contract of hewing a set of barn logs in Emigration canon [cañon]. Couldn't the Enterprise find a scorer to keep him company?
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"The Bear Lake democracy endorse allmost everybody in their resolutions passed at their convention on the 5th. Ainsley, Crawford, Hart and Rich, get a little taffy to sweeten then up. "We hope the gentlemen so sweetened will appreciate the effort." --Enterprise.

Excuse us, Bro. Straight, didn't know as it was any of your business. You must send us over your programme of what you think the next Bear Lake Co. Democratic Convention ought to endorse, and we'll take it under advisement.
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"The surface of our body is covered with scales like a fish." - Enterprise of Sept. 23d. Yes, altogether too scaly for a dry arid climate like this. People will find it out though if you don't tell them. Sucker guess. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

HYMENIAL.--Amasa M. Rich is the one now who has been gone and got back again, accompanied by his estimable wife Miss Mary Jacobs "as was." The couple appear happy and in probability the Co. Road between Paris and St. Charles will have some little rest. Chalk down another Democratic voter in Amasa's family, 21 years nine months and a few days hence, more or less as the case may be.
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We wish to say to our patrons that this issue has been gotten out hurriedly, and we ask our friends to assist us as they can. We do not claim money altogether, but we ask for such assistance as they can give.
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Don't be put aside. There are only two people who have a right to put you aside, your doctor and your sexton. No one else. It is ignominious to see one sitting down in indolence simple because they are growing old.
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(Col. 2)

IMPROVEMENTS.--Paris has done well this last summer in the way of building up the waste places, and our town is beginning to assume the appearance of a County metropolis as it should. Old log houses are being torn down and their places supplied with good substantial frame, adobe or brick buildings. Amongst some of the more prominent, may be mentioned the Paris Co-operative Store with its neat brick office, and the adjacent buildings connected with the Institution, all substantial and well adapted ed [sic- double "ed"] for the uses intended; Mr. H. Duffin's two story frame building, in which our printing office is at the present located, and being centrally located presents an imposing appearance; the brick residences of Walter Hoge and Geo. B. Spencer would be ornaments and valuable acquisitions to any city in Idaho; while the adobe dwelling of H. S. Wooley, the frame of Mr. Sleight, the brick of J. A. Sutton, office of J. C. Rich, and the brick buildings of General Rich adds materially to the value of real estate in their respective vicinities. In the north end of town Messrs. Wallantine, Athay, Passay, Lindsay, Humphreys, Smedley and Price have all down well in showing their enterprise for building up our town; besides many others whom we do not think of at present. Altogether, Paris has made good progress and shown what will be done as time rolls along. We are not ashamed to have it inspected by our visiting friends, and with the advantages for building now at our command, Paris may safely say, WE SHALL GO AHEAD.
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WHY? --We ask for information what one side and one end of H. S. Wooley's fine dwelling house is in mourning for? We don't care anything about it ourselves, but as we are running a general intelligence office, people who inquire must have the desired information. Unless some one who knows and will give us the information, we propose in our next to answer in detail.
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COLD.--The last few days have been very cold, but the Wooley Bros. must have been in correspondence with the weather clerk, judging by the quarter of an acre of stoves in front of their place of business, with which they offer to warm up the people at the lowest rates. SEE THEIR ADVERTISEMENT.
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GOODS.-- T. W. Horsley says he has on hand and coming, more goods than he can get into his store. The cellar full--granary full--door yard full--and some in the corral. As Thomas dont [sic-don't] be like some merchants who don't advertise, we believe him.
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A Mother's Kind Words.

Mr. L.--Well Charles, you would like to learn the printing business, would you?
Charles.--Yes, sir.
Mr. L.--Well, your countenance speaks well for you; guess you are a good boy and we can get along.
Mother.--Yes, Charles is a good boy.
Mr. L.--That is sufficient. When a mother so frankly speaks good things of her boy, it is well; and it should be a sufficient introduction to business and a passport through the world. "He is a good boy." These are the words of a mother; and who has not felt their potency? They are enchanting words; they come up in memory all along life's journey. Let them be printed, as they ever are, on the heart's tablet; for every condition of life makes them glad words; words of comfort and cheer. All of us hold dear the kind words of "mother." Whether uttered in health, in prosperity, in the haunts of poverty; or when they come faintly spoken from the pallid lip; still they are the words of "mother" and will be forever garnered among our heart's best treasures.
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Republicans are liars in general, and liars in particular when it suits their interest; and to convince the people of Bear Lake and Oneida counties, of the scoundrelism and artful dodges to catch votes and impose on the legal votes of Bear Lake county, we state the fact that they intend to make a ticket headed with Alanson Smith and H. M. Bennett, the balance filled up with the names of our our [sic] own men.

We therefore warn our friends to examine the ticket carefully in order to see that they are not caught with this trick, but see that the tickets they vote is headed George Ainslie and Willard Crawford, and also see that the balance of the ticket corresponds.
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(A caricature sketch drawing of a man followed with the caption:)

Him Bennett--District Attorney for the Third District of Idaho. Look at him; see how you like him.
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Take Notice.
Look out for your rights at the polls--You will be swindled if you are not careful.
Look out for the Republican scoundrels, and scrutinize the ticket before you vote. Vote early and see that you vote right.
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WAKE THEM UP.--Do not the County roads just now need some little attention. Haying and harvest is over, and in many places the roads are worn out and now is a good time to put them in repair. We call the Road Supervisors attention to the matter.
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FREE.--We will insert the death of any of our Republican friends with pleasure, and free of charge. Roll in your names gentlemen.
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Logan Canyon. Paris, Bear Lake Co. Idaho,

October 20, 1880.

Messrs. Editors--

On the morning of the 30th ult., in company with Hon. J. H. Hart, Elder Robert Spence and Brother W. Price, I started out from the flourishing city of Logan for this place. Passing the Temple, a casual glance led us to conclude its imposing south wall had reached a height of near eighty feet; the north wall was not quite so far advanced. Driving hurriedly on and breathing the pray: "God bless the Temple and those who labor thereon," we soon reached the entrance of Logan Canyon. To me, the chief attraction there was the water ditch that conveys the water from Logan River northward, watering a large portion of the farm land belonging to the people of Logan. This ditch, last winter, was widened some six feet by the brethren of Smithfield, this giving it capacity for sufficient water to irrigate considerable land there which had been a blessing the present season, and will be still more beneficial when the ditch is extended to the north side of the creek. The Smithfield brethren evinced considerable energy in working to get out this water last winter, suffering severely from the extreme cold weather and the storms they had to encounter. Their reward will be realized in the increase of crops in the future.

A little beyond this was seen, marked along the side of the mountain almost perpendicular in appearance, another water course which is to tap the Logan River some two or three miles higher up that stream than the one just referred to. This looked to be the initial step of a great enterprise requiring a heavy investment of "Mormon capital" and other means to accomplish. Two or three huge ledges of rock shot down through the excavations made with pick and shovel,--one of which will have to be tunneled a few hundred yards--the others not as far. It has been stated that iron or wooden pipes will have to be extended some distance up stream from the point where water will first be turned into the ditch. The design of this undertaking is to convey the water as high along the base of the mountains as possible in order to bring into cultivation large tracts of land now lying idle from Logan to Richmond, a distance of some fourteen miles, and is the work of a company of enterprising and leading citizens of Cache County. May success crown their effort.

When first entering Logan Canyon no very distinctive nature seemed to make its scenery over other canyon entrances; but as we passed up quite an even grade the grand and rugged forms of nature's handiwork were constantly presented, growing still more attractive and interesting as we advanced. That full justice can be done to the elaborate magnificence of nature here presented like a ponderous panarama [sic-panorama], need not be expected, even from pens most gifted in descriptive lore. To be appreciated fully they must be seen. We passed the mouth of a cave which is said to have been explored for a considerable distance and some interesting stalactite formation were found there.

Really, our travel was through the "munition of rocks" that arose cliff on cliff above us in numberless fantastic shapes; like grottoes, castlets, battlements and groupings as of men standing there in mailed equipage, where they have been for ages to battle against the rushing elements, heedless of the pelting rains, drifting snows, or the pealing thunders that shook those granite mountains to their base. Still an impress has been made upon their stubborn forms; worn and haggard, yet firmly fixed, they still stand there, faithful veterans of the "everlasting hills"; but the rain-torrents have washed deep channels there, as tears leave traces of weeping on the cheeks of mortality. The general sun, then shining in meridian splendor, had dried up the troubling waters and shed a halo of peace on all the scene; just as prosperity wipes the face of mourning, leaving no trace of sadness but that endured in the past.

In many places, far above on the solid rocks where not the least soil could be seen, would shoot up green pines of various sizes, breaking the monotony and bedecking the rude scene with cheerful plumage. Side canyons here and there opened out extending through the lofty mountains, presenting new pictures of trees and shrubbery mingling together the green and yellow leaf with such beauties of coloring that seemed to send out every hue of the rainbow as the bright sunbeams shed their treasurers there.

The Logan River water is very clear and of sufficient volume to irrigate large tracts of the rich Cache Valley lands; and it is not too much to expect, in this time of enterprise and thrift, that many canals--in addition to the ones now in progress--will be worked until the entire stream, if necessary, is exhausted in the interest of agriculture and the propell-ing of mills, factories and various machine appliances required to meet the rapidly increasing wants of the people. This stream has its source in the mountains about fifty miles east from Logan. It abounds with fish.

The road through the canyon is excellent, but above the Temple Mill to the Summit the grade is very steep. Three toll gates are kept requiriny [sic-requiring] a total of thirty cents from each team that travels the entire length of the canyon. This means is expended in keeping the road in good traveling condition.

At nightfall we reached the Temple Mill--twenty-five miles from Logan--where we were kindly entertained by Brother Joseph Morris, the superintendent there. Before retiring to rest the bell was rang, when all assembled in the large dining room where we bowed the knee and Prest. Hart was called to be mouth in prayer. Next morning, before breakfast, prayer was again observed by the whole company of workmen. That was truly a most interesting service. That company of athletic, youthful and honest countenance men, remembering their Creator night and morning, in the midst of their labors, and refraining from ntoxication [sic-intoxication] and profanity! Who, like the "Mormons," serve God in the wilderness? Girls, these men will make true husbands.

Next morning, after traveling five or six miles, some of the way up steep hills, where walking was in order, we reached the summit--the dividin[g] ridge between Cache and Bear Lake valleys. This is so sharp, where the road crosses, that to pour down a barrel of water there, part would run west and part east.

Here all the grandeur of Logan Canyon seems to culminate. Spreading around on eveay [sic-every] side is a grand and unlimited scope of dappled beauty. Go there Ottenger Kirkham, or others possessing genius; go there with brush and canvass and "hold the mirror up to nature." But these, and the pen are but poor delineators of nature's scenery, there so gorgeous and romantic. The tall pines send up their cone-shaped forms, the very grass being brushed by the bending boughs that shoot out nearest the earth; the aspen groves, their Trembling leaves reddened by the effects of autumnal frosts; the intervening openings, clear of all obstruction, delightful parks for deer; the mountain peaks that peer upward through the far distance; these are a few of the features that conspire to make this rank among the grand sceneries of our globe.

How can men traverse the earth and look upon the wonderful scenes that surround it and say in their hearts there is no God?


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(Here the newspaper turned to political notices (with candidates name and office sought) and advertisements as outlined below)

Oneida County Democratic ticket for the next election.

(Names and office sought.)
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F We have heard of straight tickets, but the below is the straightest we ever heard of. We hope the gentlemen will be elected, and if he is, we hope he will get funds enough to pay of that Pick he owes us.

Uinta County Independent Ticket.

(Names and office sought.)
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We cannot always pray, nor every moment think of heaven, and yet our hears may be the home of sweet and beautiful thoughts.
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(Utah & Northern Railway's new time schedule for both its northbound and southbound trains covering all planned stops between Beaver Canyon and Ogden.)
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1). T. W. Horsley of Paris, Idaho-dealer in General Merchandise plus agents for organs, sewing machines and "Goods at Salt Lake Prices!"
2). Montpelier Hotel "Good Entertainment for Travels! Hay and Stabling.
3). L. H. Lezarts of Evanston, Wyoming-wholesale and retail wines, liquors, tobacco and cigars.
4). W. A. Hecker, Physician and surgeon at Evanston, Wyoming.
5). Beckwith & Co.  Bankers, Evanston, Wyo.
6). Wm. J. Smith, Paris, Idaho-carpenter and builder.
7). Brick for sale-Thomas J. Smedley, pioneer brick maker.
8). James H. Hart, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Bloomington, Idaho Territory Notary Public - DEEDS - Legal Papers drawn up - collections
9). Pioneer Blacksmith Shop of E. A. Williams & Son of Paris, Idaho.
10). Beckwith, Quinn & Co., Evanston, Wyo.- "The Largest Dealers in General Merchandise in the West."
11). Wyoming House-first class hotel at Evanston, Wyo.
12). Drug Store-F. H. Harrison, Proprietor at Evanston, Wyo - Drugs, oils, Paints - "Physician & Surgeon, Always on hand."
13). Bloomington Co-Op Store and Cheese Factory - dealer in Dry Goods and Groceries, boots, shoes glass, nails and farm utensils.
14). St. Charles CO-OP'TIVE STORE - dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, caps, farming utensils - "Sold Cheap for Cash or Grain
15). Bloomington Saw Mill-white pine lumber - "Terms- Ten Dollars per Thousand--CASH."
16). Edward Burgoyne of Montpelier, Idaho-dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes and "Candies made on the Premises."

(Two columns ads)

1). Paris Co-Op'tive Institution - dealer in General Merchandise and Manufacturer of first-class leather, boots & harness - Agents for Studebaker wagons and carriages and for D.M. Osborne & Co.'s Reapers and Mowers.
2). Paris Co-Operative Institution's Planing and Shingle Mill - full stock of shingles, lath and pickets.
3). Woolley Brothers - Furniture, stoves, Ranges, "Looking-Glasses," Clocks, Plows, farm implements, sewing machines, wagons, hardware, Organs.
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PAGE 4 (last page of issue.)


"All communications for this paper should be accompanied by the name of the author, not necessarily for publication, but as evidence of good faith on the part of the writer. Write only on one side of the paper. Be particularly careful in giving names and dates, to have all letters or figures plain and distinct.
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A "Married for Love" poem from Harper's Weekly.
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(A lengthy story of "Deacon Martin's Little Maid" that encompassed the remainder of column one, all of column two and most of column three taken from --Mary LeBarron, in Illustrated Christian Weekly.)
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(Col. 3)--

The severe drought which so frequently afflicts various parts of our country as well as other lands are believed to be in a great measure owing to the extensive destruction of forests. It is stated that about three million acres of woodland are annually cleared up in this country, and scarcely any effort is made to replant the stripped area. Such reckless laying waste of forests, if it does not actually lessen the annual rain-fall in a country, undoubtedly caused irregularity in the water supply--drought and flood alternating; the changes of climate become more sudden and trying, and the soil gradually loses its fertility. It certainly seems as if some organized effort would be justified to protect forest lands, and to restore waster places by the planting of trees, so that posterity many reap some wholesome results.
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JUST as a jury at Troy, N. Y., the other day, reported that they could not agrees, the prisoner rose in his place and pleaded guilty.
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--Pumpkin Pie.--One quart pumpkin stewed and strains; one quart milk, one cup sugar, seven eggs, beaten very light; one teaspoon ginger, same mace and cinnamon each.

--Farming is no haphazard or routine work. Head to plan, and a good one, too, is as necessary as hands to execute. Yes, we go farther, it is more necessary, for now mere machines will execute, if there is a good head to plan. –Coffin.

--A correspondent of the Rural New Yorker answers a query as to the remedy for worms in a horse, which he says has never failed of a cure by simply taking a half a cup of pure, hard wood ashes, finely sifted and mixed dry with the mash or foot. If one dose should not prove sufficient, repeat it after a day or two.

--Sweet Potato Pie.--Parboil, peel, slice crosswise firm, sweet potatoes. Line a dish with paste; put in a potato or sliced potato; sprinkle thickly with sugar; scatter among them a few whole cloves, cover with more slice potato. Fill dish in this way; put tablespoon melted butter in each pie; pour in little water; cover with crust; bake, eat cold.

--Spiced Apples.--Eight pounds of apples, pared and quartered; four pounds of sugar, one quart of vinegar, one once of thick cinnamon, one-half ounce cloves; boil the vinegar, sugar and spice together; put in the apples while boiling, and let them remain until tender (about twenty minutes); then put the apples in a jar; boil down the sirup [sic-syrup] until thick, and pour over them.

--Plowing Corn Stubble.--All plowing under or otherwise disposing of rubbish from gathered crops should be done during September and October. If roots are to be grown next season where corn stubble is to be plowed under let it be done deeply and all the stubble well covered. Root culture required good farming, and rough, uneven plowing, with loose corn stubs on the surface is not good farming. A well-plowed corn stubble may be worked with the disk harrow in the spring and well fitted for roots, which are preferable to oats to follow corn.

--If a little chloride of lime be spread on the soil, rats, mice and insects will at once desert it. Plants may be easily protected by it from insect plagues, by simply brushing over their stems with a solution of it. It has often been noticed that a patch which has been treated in this way remains free from grubs, while the unprotected beds round about are literally devastated. Fruit-trees may be guarded from their attacks by attaching to the stems pieces of tow smeared with a mixture of chloride of lime and hog's lard. Ants and grubs already in possession will them rapidly vacate their position.

--Apple Jam.--Peel and core the apples, and cut them in thin slices; then put them into a preserving-pan or enameled saucepan; and to every one pound of fruit add three-quarters of a pound of white sugar, broken small, and put in tied up in a piece of coarse muslin, a few cloves, a small piece of ginger, and a rind of lemon very thin; stir with a wooden spoon on a quick fire for twenty minutes or longer. If the apples are juicy, when sufficiently boiled, the jam will cling to the spoon. Remove the cloves, etc., and put the jam into jam-pots, and when quite cold, tie them down with thick paper or bladder. To be kept in a cool, dry place.

--In farming for profit, the stock and team force is a proper subject for study. A New Jersey farmer, writing on the subject, says that, in the older States, a man with a small family and ambitious may buy thirty to fifty acres of land, pay one-half on it, making a living and get out of debt, with one team and corresponding live stock, doing the work himself. Two teams and an additional hand are needed on 100 acres, and on a farm of 150 acres three teams and three hands besides the proprietor, who will find enough to do in oversight, will be needed; and over 200 acres can be well worked with the same force, by good management on the part of the proprietor.

--Stuffed Cabbage.--Parboil a small cabbage, but leave it whole. Mince very finely any remains of cold meat, and half the quantity of beef suet, add a small quantity of

chopped shallot, pepper, salt and minced herbs to taste, the same quantity of fine bread crumbs as of suet, and yelks [sic-yokes] of two or more eggs. Make an incision on the top of the cabbage, open the leaves lightly, insert the forcemeat, and tie up the cabbage with thread. Line a saucepan with bacon, lay in the cabbage with a little stock or broth; simmer on the fire for two or three hours. At the time of serving removed the thread from the cabbage; strain the sauce, free it from excess of fat, thicken with butter or flour, and pour it over the dish.
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Horses' Feet for Fast Work.

Rational shoeing is one chief means of keeping horses sound on their legs and feet. Their shoes should be plain and carefully filled so that the weight is equally distributed. Upturned heels and toe tips are evils which should be reduced to the smallest possible dimensions, and are generally more abused in Scotland than in England. The shoes should be removed before they are worn down or displaced, which will occur within three weeks in hard worked horses much used on the roads. To preserve the foot sound and serviceable, the drawing knife and rasp should be used much less frequently and freely than they are. The sole needs no paring, excepting on the narrow surface which had been protected by the shoes. Still less should the bars and heels be cut down, as they often are, fatally weakening the foot. Nor on any pretense should the frog be ruthlessly cut or trimmed. No knife should, on any pretext, ever touch it. The rasping of the crust, which most blacksmiths give as the finishing polish to their job, is also inadmissible. It removes the external oily protecting covering, makes the hoof dry and brittle, and, as it grows down, renders it less stout and touch for the firm holding of the nails. These protecting surfaces are all needed to preserve the more delicate internal parts of the foot from bruising, injury and jar. Their removal, although common, is irrational and injurious. If left alone, the superfluous scales of the walls of the hoof, of the sole and frog gradually shell off in much the same manner as the scurf from the human skin. Their removal is, however, insisted upon by ignorant prejudices and fashion; while to make good the loss, artificial substitutes are applied. The smartly-rasped hoof is smeared with beeswax and oil; the thinned sole has to be protected with leather or felt pads; and, the natural growth having been removed, a fresh crop of horn is attempted to be stimulated by clay and salt, or other applications. The soft elastic frog, excised and shrunk, becomes dry and diseased, and deprived of its proper use for supporting weight and preventing slipping.

Feet properly managed as to shoeing need no stopping. Cold water and a brush is the dressing they require. Exposure to the air and an occasional washing will secure the healthy growth of sound, tough horn better than any stopping; but the horn thus grown must not be allowed to be mercilessly cut away every time the unfortunate animal enters the forge. Horse owners, if they are to preserve their horses' feet strong and sound, should themselves see that the shoeing smith does not pursue his destructive removal of the external protecting textures of the foot. -North British Agriculturist.
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(Col. 5) How to Winter Trees Procured in the Fall.

THE practice of procuring supplies of trees in the fall is becoming more and more general, as each season demonstrated its wisdom. It is a more favorable time than spring, because of better weather, better roads, a lighter pressure of business with nurserymen and farmers, and a longer time in which to handle trees. To insure success, the following directions should be observed:

Choose the dryest and cleanest spot in the garden, clear away all rubbish from the vicinity, to save trouble from mice; dig a trench long enough to admit a layer of ten or twelve trees side by side, and wide and deep enough to let the roots below the surface; throw the soil forward at a right angle from trench, so the tops can rest upon it. This will raise the tops just a little above the level of the ground. When the first layer is properly placed, proceed by shoveling fine earth among the roots, extending the trench for another layer at the same time; fill carefully all spaces and pack the ground moderately firm, by a gentle pressure with the foot. Now place another layer in the same position, with the roots projecting a little forward of those of the first, but no deeper in the ground.

When the trees are all on, in these successive layers, the soil for working among the roots having been taken from before each parcel of roots, the pile as "heeled in" presents the appearance of a window, showing only the tops standing up at a slight angle, then with the earth from the adjacent sides, cover all over smoothly, commencing at the last layer of trees, gently pressing them down as the covering proceeds. When complete, the pile presents the appearance of a newly made grave, well ridged in the center; a narrow top shedding water best, is freed from frost earlier in spring. The mound should run north and south.

When a crust of frozen ground, two or three inches deep, will keep out mice, put on a litter of straw, to prevent severe and deep freezing or any thawing until spring. Varieties may be separated by place small willows across and between, as put in, and a register should be kept of the whole. To preserve labels distinct, wind them with paper, which should be tied on. In the spring the roots will be found to have formed the granulations necessary to the production of new rootlets, and being on hand for early planting, the trees will make double the growth the first season that trees taken from the nursery in spring can make. -John V. Cotta.
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(Col. 6) Albany Evening Mail. A Fatal Omission.

"Do you know that neither of the platforms suits me," said one of our old subscribers to us the other day. "As both parties seem to want health, strength and long life more than anything else, they cannot do better than have the Hamburg Drops and Jacobs Oil planks included. With these they can weather all storms, political and domestic as well as dyspeptic and rheumatic." His logic was good and convinced us.
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--Children love to torment. When they grow up, the boy gives his propensity free rein in hunting game. The girl torments the men.
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(Allentown Democrat.)

LAUBACH, the Hamilton street druggist, last week sold at retain two hundred and thirteen bottles of the celebrated St. Jacobs Oil, whose curative powers over Rheumatism the papers say so much of now-a-days.
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"And the Leaves Were for the Healing of the Nations."

This is fully exemplified in the demonstration that so common a pasture weed as smart-weed, or water-pepper, possesses medicinal properties which when combined with essence of Jamaica Ginger and other efficacious vegetable extracts as in Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed. It constitutes a most potent remedy for bowel affections as diarrhea, dysentery, flux, etc. It is also an efficacious medicine for colds, and to break up fevers and inflammatory attacks, and for the alleviation of pain. Every family should keep a supply of it. 50 cents by druggists.
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A Happy Restoration.

I can truly say that I owe my present existence and happy restoration to the hopes and joys of life, to the use of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and I say to every one suffering from any manner of kidney, liver or urinary trouble, "Use this remedy and recover." W. E. SANFORD / Holley, N.Y., Feb. 25, 1880.
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Dr. R. V. PIERCE, CONSULTING PHYSICIAN to the World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, of Buffalo, N. Y., has resigned his seat in Congress that he may hereafter devote his whole time and attention to those applying to the WORLD'S DISPENNARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION for the treatment of Chronic Diseases.
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The sales of the Frazer Axle Grease are increasing every day, because it is a good as represented. WIFHOFT'S Fever and Ague Tonic, the old reliable remedy, now sells at one dollar.
USE Redding's Russia Salve in the house, and use Redding Russia Salve in the stable.

TO HAVE good bread, use National Yeast.
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(Larger more descriptive advertisement often with a picture, drawing, highlighted/ enlarged words, etc.)

1). St. Jacobs Oil - The great German remedy for rheumatism, gout, sprains, frosted feet and ears, burns, headache and "all other pains and Aches."
2). Malt Bitters - digestive and nerve power, blood and flesh producing power.
3). Burnett's Cocoaine - absolute cure for dandruff; cures baldness and scald head.
4). Dr. BULL"S Cough Syrup - cures coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, influenza, whooping Cough. Price only 25 cents a bottle.
5). Miscellaneous offerings
a). New Agents Goods - Cor.[correspond] Young & Co., St. Louis, Mo.
b). $5 to $20 per day at home. Samples worth $5 free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Ma.[Maine]
c). $72 a week, $12 a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free, Add'r's True & Co. Augusta, Ma.
d). GUNS, Revolvers. Illus Catalogue free. Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburgh, Pa.
e). $66 a week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. Addr's H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Ma.
f). $350 a months! Agents wanted! 75 best selling articles in the world. A sample free. Jan Bronson, Detroit, Mich.
g). Agents - Coin money with Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book. Ours the only one genuine. By mail $2. Address Chase Pub'ng Co., Toledo. O[hio].
h). "Liberty & Law" by Britton A. Hill. New, enlarged edition of 1880. Price $1.00 cloth, 50 cents paper. Mailed on receipt by G. I. Jones & Co. St. Louis, Mo.
5). LOOMIS & NYMAN of Tiffin, Ohio-Well Augers, Drills "We make the only successful HORSE Power Well Boring and Rock Drilling Machine in the World.
6). Books by Mail-Dora's Housekeeping, The Jericho Road: A Story of
Western Life, How She Came Into Her Kingdom - Louisiana, Captain Larcasse, Her Bright Future  A N. Kellogg, Chicago, Ill.
7). "Money to Loan -on farm and town property at 6 per cent to certificate holders. Ad. U.S. Home and Dower Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo.
8). Ridge's Food for Infants and Invalids - WOOLRICH & Co.
9). "Before Buying or Renting an Organ" - send for our latest illustrated catalogue.- Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., Boston, New York or Chicago.
10). Agents Wanted - STANDARD BOOKS of Cincinnati, Ohio - for Family Bibles and other fast selling books.
12). ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF ETIQUETTE AND BUSINESS - Send for circulars on content, terms, agents to National Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo.
13). 2,000 Pianos and Organs -sent and returned at our expense if not as represented - prices guaranteed - Story & Camp, St. Louis, Mo.
14). Allen's Lung Balsam - "Thousands such as you, who have been cured!" Sold by Druggists.
15). WILHOFT'S FEVER AND AGUE TONIC - a warranted cure for chill's fever and all diseases caused by Malarial Poisoning of the Blood - sold by Druggists.
16). TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT - three remedies in one. In all disorders--mild, acute or chronic. Sold by Druggists.
17). THE BEST MUSIC BOOKS - welcome chorus, parlor organ instruction book, choirs, "Temperance People will be sure to use. " Four outlets, Boston, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia.
18). COMPOUND OXYGEN - "Not a drug" a home treatment administered by inhalation for over eleven ailments - Drs. Starkey & Palen, Philadelphia. Pa.
19). GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY by Dr. Pierce for an unbelievable list of conditions from pimples and ranging through feeling dull and drowsy. Sold by Druggists.
20). Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets - "The 'Little Giant" Cathartic."Entirely vegetable, no particular care required in taking them. Sold by Druggists.
21). "TRUTH IS MIGHTY - most of this small ad is illegible.
22). Every-Day Cyclopedia -useful knowledge for the farmer, mechanic, business and home. Agents wanted to sell. Moffat Pub'g Co., St. Louis, Mo.
23). Kidney Wort - "The only remedy that acts at the same time on the liver, the bowels, and the kidneys." Sold by Druggists.
24). TUTT'S PILLS - for symptoms of a torpid liver, constipation. "Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents."
25). Warner's SAFE KIDNEY & LIVER CURE - a positive remedy for long list of problems from a backache to Female Complaints. Sold by druggist and dealers.
26). Mrs. Pott's Cold-Handle Sad Iron - "For sale by - The Hardware Trade."
27). Fruit, Wine and Jelly Press - "Send for a catalogue, Free. For sale by the Hardware Trade."
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WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS please say you saw the advertisement in this paper. Advertisers like to know when and where their advertisements are paying best.

* * * * * * * * * * * * [End of page 4 of the initial issue.]

Significant aspects of the first issue of The Bear Lake Democrat:

The founders and editors most likely entered news papering as a business to supple-ment their income from the piece-meal practice of law in the early days, but found the economic rewards minimal while the demand on their time extensive.

In this initial issue of The Bear Lake Democrat there was an explanation of the newspapers’ goals, objectives and intentions spelled out in their Salutatory and else-where. With their title and words there was no question at to their political orientation, and they would not spare words on their political opposition. Two other enemies were named in print, the "Hireling Clergy" and the "subsidized press," who joined with the baser sort in not playing fair or justly in any battles with preconceived negative attitude on the Mormons. They expressed the easily obtained love of the principle of freedom of the press and the treasures of a great democracy and the Constitution. Also they stated their empathy for the Mormon cause and unjust treatment by opponents, and they would fight tooth and nail by all means for better and fairer treatment.

In the first issue above some of the best articles were:

1). The SALUTATORY for the new media.
2). L. O. Littlefield's letter to the Editors of October 20, 1880 on "Logan Canyon."
3). Obituary of Jonathan Pugmire.


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