Bear Lake Delinquent List



Transcribed and submission by Larry D Christiansen June 28, 2012


Bear Lake Democrat, 10 December 1881, page 2


Delinquent List for the year 1881


   Austin, N. F., house and improvements, Dingle Dell:           $8.19

   Brown, Chas. H., house and improvements, Liberty             8.46

   Bird, A. J.  house and improvements, St. Charles                  4.62

   Buckler, John, house and improvement, Paris                       2.52

   Bishop, John; house and improvements, Montpelier               3.02

   Bergreen, Motion; two horses                                               2.00

   Bauman, John H., house and improvements, Paris                 4.80

   Christinsen, Neils, personal property                                      2.02

   Campbell, Grant, house and improvements, Montpelier           4.05

   Cozzens, John, house and improvements, Montpelier            14.68

   Dalrymple, H. H.  house and improvement, Preston              13.83

   Dalrymple, L. J., personal property                                        5.02

   Dunn, Alvero, house and improvements, Bloomington            4.30

   Dingman, Wm., personal property                                         3.26

   Dalrymple, B., personal property                                           3.34

   Dingman, Orson, personal property                                        3.95

   Eschler, John, personal property                                             3.39

   Eardley, E., house and improvements, Paris                            2.05

   Fenton, Francis, personal property,                                         2.61

   Grayham, W. B., house and improvement and 25 acres

              of land, Bennington                                                    4.41

   Hart, Levi, house and improvements, Thomas Fork               15.73                  

   Hymas, William A house and improvements,
   1-4 Section of land-Liberty                                                    12.24

   Hess, David, house and improvements, part of Saw

                                Mill, Georgetown                                    11.52

   Hill, John, personal property                                                   3.41

   Hebden, Jas., house and improvements                                   3.26

   Hart, J. E., personal property                                                  4.01

   Henderson, Hyrum, personal property                                     6.24

   Jenson, Peter, house and improvements, Ovid                        12.78

   Johnson, Abel, personal property                                             2.00

   Killfoyle, Jas., house and improvements, Dingle De,,                3.82

   Kunz, Christian, personal property                                           6.93

   Kunz, Saml., personal property                                                2.77

   Knutty, Michael, house and improvements                                6.93

   Kempton, I. T., personal property                                            2.77

   Lindsay, E., personal property                                                  2.95

   Lindsay, David E., personal property                                        3.36

   Liddell, Peter, personal property                                               3.33

   Latham, J. B., personal property                                               2.26

   Margeits, Henry, house and improvements, Paris                       6.95

   Martin, John, house and improvements, Liberty                         6.61

   Monroe, J. R., personal property                                              4.78

   Neibaur, Jos. A., house and improvements, Paris                       1.80

   Olson, Carl S., house and improvements, Ovid                          4.07

   Olson, C., house and improvements, Ovid                               10.76

   Osborn, David, house and improvements, Montpelier                 7.52

   Porter, C. U., personal property                                                3.41

   Pratt, N. M.,house and improvements, Dingle Dell                     6.47

   Palmer, Isaac, house and improvements, Bloomington                4.31

   Perkins, J. A., house and improvements, Montpelier                   7.47

   Price, A. T., house and improvements, Montpelier                     3.99

   Rich, F. D., house and improvements, Paris                                4.79

   Reese, George, house and improvements and 80 acres

                 of land, Bloomington                                                   7.52

   Rich, Landon J., personal property                                             4.39

   Stevenson, Thos., house and improvements and 40

                                acres of land, Bennington                              5.52

   Simpson, C. W., personal property                                             1.51

   Sirrine, George, house and improvements, Dingle Dell                  2.26

   Stevens, Alex. A., house and improvement and  5

                                acres of land, Bloomington                            4.47

   Tippetts, O. H., personal property                                               3.07

   Tippetts, H. C., personal property                                                3.36

   Vatorlaus, Conrad, house and improvements, Paris                        2.26

   Walthsley, Wm., house and improvements, Preston                       5.52

   Williams, Jas., house and improvements, Montpelier                      3.02

   Weaver, Miles, personal property                                                 4.3? [last number missing]

   Welker, F. E., house and improvements, Bennington                     3.49

   White, Robert, house and improvements, Georgetown                   3.07

   Ward, F., personal property                                                         5.03

   Young, George, house and improvements, Preston                        2.44

   Young, D. D., house and improvements, Montpelier                      2.36

   Zunbrun, A., house and improvements, Montpelier                        3.07


     If the above taxes are not paid prior to the second Monday of January A.D. 1882, the

     annexed property will be sold at public auction to secure the collection of the

     same with costs.  Sale to be in front of the County Office in Paris commencing at

     the hour of 10 o'clock a.m.

                                                                L B HUNT,

                                                                Assessor and Collector

                                                                for Bear Lake Co.


Paris Post, Friday, 20 May 1910, pages 3-4


Dated at the county court house at Paris, Bear Lake County, Idaho, this 17th day of May 1910. A M Rich, Assessor and Collector


Geneva: Edward Lashbrook-160 acres

Raymond: Melvan Hart-1 1/2 acres

Pegram: Norman G Allen-160 acres; Peter Anderson-160 acres; Jacob Monro-160 acres; C? V Sannthwart? 160 acres; Arnold Zumbruem-160 acres; Jacob Zumbrumen

Montpelier: Herman Bergstrom; George Brown; Nellie Glenn; William Heaps; Ph--- Hart; Charles Kuntz; G M LeFischer; P J McDermott; F W Rese; Fred Sarbech; William T Owen; John A Perkins; S P Sorensen; Mrs. F E Saulsbury; Samuel Wuthrich; Mary A Parker-1.87 acres; George L Phelps-3.5 acres

Bennington; Samuel Hall-10 acres; Henry Hansen-250 acres; Annie Harding-250 acres

Sharon: Albert Buetler-120 acres

Paris: David Atley; Orson David; W G Hayward-51 acres; Easton Kelsey-tract 17; Henry N Rogers-2 acres; John G Rosen-40 acres; Alfred Stevens-102 acres; George F Taylor-personal property; Ehner Vilcox-5 acres; Arthur Hymas-30 acres

Bloomington; C O Christensen-lot 1 block 2; Flood French Horse Co-personal property

St Charles-Albert Arnell-improvements & personal property; William H Arnell-lots 5,6 & 7; Elizabeth Barker-lots 3 & 4; Nels Hairup-80 acres; Jacob Michaelson-162 acres; Alma Parker-2 acres; C A Hoover

Georgetown; John Barkdull; William Huff-3.49 acres; Peter Larsen-20.54 acres; Hans Sorensen-35 acres; S J Smith-20 acres

Eight Mile; L M Ward-160 acres; Wendall Gallagher & Woodall-800 acres

Nounan; Joseph E Crossley-160 acres; Erastus Peterson-improvement & personal property; W A White-40 acres; Robert Wuthrich-80 acres; James Lindsay-10 acres

Ovid: Andrew H Peterson-7.18 acres; Andrew C Peterson-13.6 acres; Thomas Kunz-16.38 acres; George A Humphreys-8.5 acres

Liberty: Charles H Nelson-80 acres; Walter Hymas-70 acres; Poulson Bros. 100 acres

Fish Haven: Susan Gardner Estate-3 acres; John L Nelson-20 acres

Dingle: Edward Bird-10 acres; Mrs. George Bird-2 acres; William H Bird-2 acres; George Cook-160 acres; Elmo Dayton-5 acres; Henry Dayton-5 acres; Marvin Dayton-10 acres; Mary A Humphreys-2.75 acres; Jens P Jensen-40 acres; Joseph Le--- 87 acres; Daniel Meeks-personal property; W P Nowland-31 acres; Mrs. J M Richardson-453.40 acres




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