Montpelier Commercial Club


The Montpelier Examiner, November 17, 1911

The change in the train service on the Paris branch, which was recently asked for by the Montpelier Commercial Club, was inaugurated last Sunday and the train now makes two round trips daily between Montpelier and Paris.

The Montpelier Examiner, October 17, 1913

During the past few days Chase E Harris, secretary of the Commercial Club has received many inquiries about Montpelier and Bear Lake county, from Eastern people, all which goes to show that the work of advertising this section which was begun a couple of years ago is still bearing fruit, and no doubt during the next few months these inquiries will increase.

Although the club is inactive and has no funds with which to work, the secretary nevertheless, has answered all letters and send literature of this section and will continue to do so, in an endeavor to induce eastern people to settle in this part of Idaho. Most of the inquiries are farm land, about dairying and stock raising.


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