St Charles News
Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 2 May
1896, page 1
E M Pugmire, St Charles rustling merchant, was in Montpelier this
week on business.
Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 6 June 1896, page 1
St Charles: An effort to levy a special tax of four mills for a summer term of school brought out a big vote. The proposition was defeated. Jope? Munson was elected as trustee.
Montpelier Examiner, Saturday, 13 June
1896, page 1
We desire to state that no tax was voted at St Charles nor was
any thought of for any purpose. This is injustice to one of the trustees over
there, who it was claimed wanted a tax for a summer school.
The Post, 31 August 1905, page 1
On Monday last the Sunday School went to the canyon for an outing and had a good time, a dance was given in the evening and two "small" boys from Paris, named Oakey and Lewis, came in and proved themselves smaller than was thought, for just before the dance closed they slipped away without paying for their tickets. We understand they boasted of what they were going to do but it was unknown to the manger, until after they had gone.
Geo Shepherd who came with the boys, proved himself a gentleman by paying for his dance.
Leslie Pugmire whose leg was broken some time ago, is now able to be put on crutches. Leonard Floyd and son Frank have returned from their Uintah trip where they went to try their luck in the land drawing of a recent date. Jas Knapp drew a lucky number, so remained and as he is an old soldier, he can soon "prove up."
The Paris Post, Friday, 14 August 1908, page 8
A daughter was born to Mrs. Nels Harrup of St Charles Tuesday. Miss Libbie Young of St Charles who has been very ill with abscess of the groin, was dangerously ill Monday and Drs. Ashley and Poynter who were called for consultation, decided that an operation was necessary.
Accordingly on Monday evening a large quantity of pus was removed. The young lady rallied nicely after and there was hope that she would recover her health completely.
The Paris Post, Friday, 11 September 1908, page 4
One day last week, as Mr. Niels Berggren, about 65 years of age, was walking peaceably along the street, he was pounced upon by a young man, Will Hill, about eighteen years of age, knocked down and beaten up considerably.
Three other young men sat in the buggy and watched what was being done, without interfering. It seems that there has been bad blood between the two for years and young Hill has threatened to lick Mr. Berggren as soon as he got "big" enough.
The Paris Post, Friday, 9 October 1908, page 4
A daughter was born to Mrs. James Monson of St Charles Saturday. The infant of Mr. Rasmus Nielsen of St Charles is very ill with bronchitis.
The Paris Post, Friday, 15 January 1909, page 1
Miss Lois Pugmire, daughter of Bp. Pugmire, is quite ill and her many friends hope for her speedy recovery.
The Paris Post, Friday, 12 February 1909, page 1
The old folks party which was given on the 29th was success from every point of view. On the 17th inst. the St Charles dramatic company will play the beautiful drama "Because I Love You". The district school teachers are preparing a nice program in honor of Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays to be presented on the 18th inst.
Andrew Jensen of St Charles is quite sick with kidney trouble.
The Paris Post, Friday, 19 February 1909, page 4
Dr. Hayward seems to be very busy these days. Sunday morning he made a hurry up trip to St Charles and brought Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson a valentine, not one of these ugly insulting valentines we sometimes see, but a sweet little baby girl valentine.
The Paris Post, Friday, 5 March 1909, page 1
On Friday evening the 19th, the school gave an entertainment in honor of Lincoln's Birthday, but as a blizzard was raging, the attendance was small.
Mr. Andrew Bergrene, an old gentleman who lives alone, fell the other day and it is believed cracked a bone in his thigh, though it is not certain, as he will not have a doctor. He was nearly frozen when found by N C Michaelson who carried him to the house.
The Paris Post, Friday, 5 March 1909, page 4
Grandfather Beargreen (sic) of St Charles had the misfortune to fall and break his hip bone a few days ago. This will go pretty hard with the old gentleman on account of his age. He had the sympathy of many friends.
Three cases of diphtheria have developed in St Charles. One in the home of Sol Tremelling and two in the home of Will Hemmert. Both families were quarantined.
The Paris Post, Friday, 12 March 1909, page 8
Diphtheria has broken out in the families of Wm Hemmert and S Tremeling, but its in a mild form. Because of the disease the district school has been closed for the time being. The children are getting along fairly well.
On Friday evening the 5th inst. a farewell party was given to Jas Monson and Daniel Laker, two young men who had received box B letters to do missionary work in foreign countries, the first named to go to Scandinavia and the latter to Australia. Elder Laker took his departure on Sunday the 7th and Elder Monson will leave on Wednesday the 17th.
The Paris Post, Friday, 19 March 1909, page 4
A marriage license was issued Tuesday to Mr. Robert C Austad and Miss Dora M Wilks both of St Charles.
The Paris Post, Friday, 2 April 1909, page 4
Mr. and Mrs. S P Erickson and their son John, of St Charles, left Tuesday for Richfield, Utah to reside. They go in the hope that the change will benefit Mrs. Erickson's health, she having been quite ill of late.
Grandpa Beagreen of St Charles who has been troubled for some time past with a broken thigh is slowly improving. Mr. Taylor was down from the Paris Boulder mine Saturday and states that the tunnel is now 360 feet. The ore car recently installed is a great aid in the operations and excavating is proceeding rapidly. the snow is three feet deep around the mine and six feet deep around the Humming Bird mine.
The Paris Post, Friday, 9 April 1909, page 4
A fine daughter was born to Mrs. Charles Wilker on April 1st, and Mr. Wilker says the little lassie is a bright as a dollar in spite of her birthday.