C B Hayes
The Montpelier Examiner, June 24, 1937
A deal has been consummated for the sale of the Bear Lake phosphate property to C B Hayes and R S Hartwell for a consideration of $60,000. Mr. Hartwell is of Garrison, Mont. where he has been associated wit hthe Anderson group of phosphate mining interests of that section. Mr. Hayes has been in this vicinity several years, having been interested in other phosphate beds of the county.
The new owners say they plan on building a 50 ton capacity pulverizing plant of the W Smith Hoge property adjacent to the Union Pacific "Y". Ore will be hauled from the mine to the tracks. Sixty days will be required to install the mill and equip with machinery, work to begin as quickly as possible they report.
The mine in located in Sleight's canyon, approximately three miles from here and is accessible by good roads. A shaft will be sunk at the portal of the mine and the present tunnels renovated.