Arthur Budge
Montpelier Examiner, Thursday, 25 March 1937, page 1
The people of Bear Lake county and southeastern Idaho were
shocked when they learned that Arthur Budge, one of the county's best known
citizens had died rather suddenly at his home near Paris yesterday morning at 11
am. Mr. Budge had been in failing health for some months, but did not take to
his bed until the day before he died. The immediate cause of his death was
believed to have been heart failure.
Among his brothers and sisters surviving Supreme Court Justice Alfred Budge and Mrs. William Pendry of this city. The deceased was the son of the late President William Budge and had lived in Bear Lake county most of the seventy-five years of his life. He had always been prominent in church and civil matters and twice served the county as sheriff the first time in 1909 and 1910, and again in 1922. He had also held many offices in the LDS Church.
Mr. Budge was known as one of the countys most progressive farmers and stockmen. His fine ranch near Paris was the home always of purebred cattle and sheep, in which the owner took a pardonable pride. No date has yet been set for the funeral service but will be held in the tabernacle in Paris.