Archie Jensen

Montpelier Examiner, 1 November 1918, page 8


The body of Archie Jensen, who died from influenza at Pueblo, on Oct 23, while en route with his comrades from Camp Freemont to some embarkation point in the east, did not arrive here until Wednesday morning of this week. Delay in shipment of the body was due to the fact that he died at a hospital instead of a cantonment and it required several days to secure the necessary permit from the government to ship the body.

Relatives and friends from Ovid met the body and accompanied by the firing squad and friend from Montpelier, it was conveyed to the Ovid cemetery were services were held.

Archie was the same age as his comrade, Ira Hyman and they had chummed together almost constantly while at Camp Fremont. He was in good health when the order came from his company to entrain for the east and it was deep regrets that he was compelled to leave his comrade and friend behind. Little did the boys dream that their parting at Camp Fremont would be their final one. Shortly after the train left Salt Lake, he was stricken with the dread disease, and was taken there from at Pueblo, the first town where hospital accommodations could be secured for him.

He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lars P Jensen of Ovid. Six brothers and four sisters, mourn with their parents the untimely death of the one who had been called to serve his country in the great world war.


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